Can you increase your chances of having twins?

Can you increase your chances of having twins?

Fertility treatment The ASRM note that the main factor that increases the chance of having twins is the use of fertility treatments. If sperm fertilizes both of these eggs, this can result in twins. In vitro fertilization (IVF) can also increase the chance of conceiving twins.

Does being a fraternal twin increase your chances of having twins?

Identical twins don't generally run in families, but fraternal twins do. It looks like twins “skip a generation” in some families. This is because genetic factors that may cause hyperovulation resulting in DZ twins can only be observed in women. Their daughters would then have an increased chance of having DZ twins.

At what age are you most likely to conceive twins?

Those patterns were strongest in women aged 35 and older, followed by women aged 30-35, and lastly by women in their 20s. Fraternal twins develop when two eggs are fertilized. So if older women are more likely to produce two eggs per cycle, they're also more likely to have fraternal twins, the researchers argue.