Can you handle tiger salamanders?

Can you handle tiger salamanders?

Salamanders are amphibians, so they breathe through their skin. If your hands have been washed thoroughly and left wet, you can hold a tiger salamander. Try not to handle them too often though as amphibians are very sensitive to touch.

How often should I feed my tiger salamander?

Adult Tiger salamanders will need to be fed two to three times a week. However, the lower the temperature, the less often your pet will need to be fed; if the enclosure is maintained at 60°F (16°C) or less, feeding once a week may be plenty.

What do Tiger salamanders need to survive?

The larval stage is entirely aquatic, so these tiger salamanders can live in an aquarium with 6 inches of water and some rocks to hide in. A good water filter is required, and aeration with an air stone is ideal. Pay particular attention to the water quality, especially ammonia buildup and the water pH.

What do Tiger salamanders eat in captivity?

Tiger salamanders eat worms, snails, insects, and slugs in the wild. Captive salamanders feed on smaller salamanders, frogs, newborn mice, and baby snakes. The larvae eat small crustaceans and insect larvae and once grown, they will feed on tadpoles and smaller salamander larvae and even small fish (Harding 1997).