Can you go back and rate a Lyft driver?

Can you go back and rate a Lyft driver?

If you forget to tip or rate your driver, don't worry — Lyft says it has your back. Riders will also be able to tip while a ride is underway, not just after it's over. The second change is one over which riders have no direct control — drivers will automatically get a five-star rating if a rider forgets to rate them.

What happens if you forget to rate your Lyft driver?

If you don't provide a rating, Lyft will default to giving a five-star rating. Lyft will remove the single lowest rating from a driver's profile for every 100 rides, so one bad ride won't tarnish an otherwise sterling record.

Do riders get rated on LYFT?

There is nowhere customers can see their rating in the Lyft app. When a Lyft passenger gets a five star rating form a driver, Lyft sends them an email and notifies them through the app to congratulate them on getting a perfect rating. Drivers see passenger ratings when a call comes in.

How can I see my reviews as a Lyft driver?

There are a couple different ways to check your Lyft driver rating. The easiest way is to open up the Lyft app, tap on your profile picture, and then tap “View profile.” Your driver rating should be visible underneath your name.