Can you get fat in fable?

Can you get fat in fable?

Well to gain weight, go to a tavern/in and eat and drink until you’re fat. To get thin, I believe you can eat good stuff like the apples and work out at Albion (?).

Can you be evil in Fable 3?

(In Fable II and III, you can either be good or evil, and people could love you depending on their Love/Hate and Cute/Ugly factors.)

Is it better to be good or evil in fable?

Play good if you want a more relaxed and easy game. Play as evil if you just want to be an evil menace. Play as an unlevelled character for the challenge. Play as neutral for the least amount of annoyance.

How long does it take to complete Fable 2?

about 12 hours

How do you become corrupt in Fable 2?

you can raise all the rent to 100% and that gets you corrupt pretty fast. you can eat a lot of pies and other fatty foods, that makes you corrupt, you fat ****… ha.. sleeping with lots of people, especially if you are married makes you corrupt, and ya.

How do you get evil fast in Fable 2?

Just kill everyone. Go to a town and kill guards, then do penalty quest to get everyone off your back. Easy. It’s harder to get good than it is to get evil, so just keep that in mind.

How do you raise your morality in Fable 3?


  1. Donate money from your personal funds to the national treasury.
  2. Just trade money between the royal treasury and your own money, if you want to change from pure to corrupt, you need to transfer from the royal treasure to your own about 5.000.000, and the from corrupt to pure its the other way arround.

How many demon doors are in Fable 2?


How do you learn to kiss in Fable 2?

You can use the blow kiss expression at the door to get it to open. Or propose to someone in front of the door. Either method should work.

Where can I find a farmer’s hat in Fable 2?

The Yokel Hat is a hat in Fable II. It can be purchased from the clothing merchant in Oakfield who is located just outside the front of the Sandgoose Inn to the left.

How do I learn the middle finger in Fable 2?


  1. You have to learn it from a book called “The Finger”, which you can buy from the Bowerstone bookstore.
  2. You have to go to the bowerstone bookstore and buy the book that is called the finger or something like that.

How do you learn to worship in Fable 2?

The Book of Worship is an expression manual which teaches the Hero the “Worship” expression. It can be found upstairs in Fiction Burns in Bowerstone Market, after purchasing the store.

Where is fiction burns in Fable 2?

Bowerstone Market

How do you open the Demon Doors in Fable 3?

The door requires you to be dedicated to your moral path and achieve 100% good or evil morality (an easy way of doing this is to transfer 5 or 6 million gold either to (good) or from (evil) the Castle Treasury). If you fulfill this criteria, just walk up to it and it will open.

Where is the demon door in Wraithmarsh?

Terry Cotter’s Army: There is a Demon Door found across the stone bridge (near the area where you first visit Wraithmarsh). To get inside, you need 10 followers to watch the Demon Door’s play. Inside, you will find a house. Move through the front door and out through the back to find Terry Cotter’s Army.

How do you become a demon in Fable 2?

User Info: ProphecyZ. At the end of the game you get to kill your child and eat it, do that and you become the demon.

Where is the Westcliff demon door?

The Vault is a realm of Albion that is accessible through the Westcliff Demon Door. It is located before the marsh area, heading towards the Howling Halls.

How do you get the dog to do tricks in Fable 2?


  1. Press Start and go to Logbook > Personality > Dog for a list of tricks. To preform them, press RB, and trigger with your own emotes. (
  2. Hide snout, bunny hop, roll over, play dead, chase tail, growl.
  3. I don’t have a list but all the tricks are preformed when you use diferent expresions.

What does the potion of life do in Fable 2?

Potions of Life are rare potions in Fable II that increase the size of your health bar. Consuming one of these potions will increase it by 50 points, and will also heal you for 1000 points.

How do I get the sword out of the stone in fable?

In order to remove the sword from its stone, your Hero must have upgraded physique, health, and toughness attributes. Specifically, after your first attempt to remove the sword, you must upgrade physique by 5, health by 2, and toughness by 3.

Will Master’s Elixir fable?

Will Master’s Elixir is a potion available in Fable, Fable: The Lost Chapters and Fable Anniversary. This potion will permanently increase the amount of mana that you have available to perform Will attacks.

What does the elixir of life do in Fable?

The Loop (Games) The Elixir of Life is a rare potion in Fable, Fable: The Lost Chapters and Fable Anniversary that permanently increases your maximum health.