Can you eat dead nettles?

Can you eat dead nettles?

A bunch of white dead-nettles can look good in a vase, especially after cutting some of the leaves to reveal the flowers. The flowers and young leaves are edible, and can be used in salads or cooked as a vegetable.

Do bees like stinging nettles?

The stinging is a result of the formic acid, a substance that nettles, fire ants and bees have in common. You can dry stinging nettles for use year round, but there is nothing like using stinging nettles fresh in season, when they are full of life forces.

What insects do Nettles attract?

Nettles are also a magnet for other insect-eaters like hedgehogs, shrews, frogs and toads, at all times of year. Certain moths like nettles, as do many of the UK's most colourful and best known butterflies, such as the Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock Butterflies.

Are Stinging nettles good for wildlife?

Stinging Nettles are great wildlife attractors: caterpillars of the Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock butterflies use them as foodplants; ladybirds feast on the aphids that shelter among them; and seed-eating birds enjoy their autumn spoils.

How do you get rid of nettles naturally?

The only way to get rid of stinging nettles permanently is to remove the whole of the root. Leave a minute piece of root in the soil and that's enough for the nettles to regrow. So it's a two pronged approach, firstly cut down any stinging nettles that are on your plot.

What is nettle feed good for?

The common or stinging nettle (Urtica dioica – القرّاص) is a beneficial weed that is quite widespread so it is easy to gather. It is rich in nitrogen, which makes it a good activator for compost. Nettle tea supplements plants with nitrogen, chlorophyll, magnesium, sulfur, iron, potassium, copper, zinc and calcium.

Can you put nettles in compost bin?

Yes, you can compost nettles. Nettles are considered a natural composting accelerator, especially if you've got a “brown“-heavy heap. Away from composting etc, don't forget that you can also harvest young nettles for use in the kitchen: they can be wilted like spinach or used to make a herbal tea.