Can you become Thane of Riften?

Can you become Thane of Riften?

For Riften you must go to the Riften Fishery and look for a lady that has a Skooma addiction. Then, you must buy a house in Riften and you will be presented with the your title as thane.

What is the biggest house in Skyrim?

proudspire manor proudspire manor location

Can you buy all 3 houses in hearthfire?

You can buy all 3 plots and build 3 new houses. Okay. In Hearthfire DLC, the plot of land that you can buy will vary from three different locations; Falkreath, the Pale, or in Hjaalmarsh. In my playthrough, I got an offer to purchase land from Falkreath.

Can I become high king in Skyrim?

The only way the Dragonborn could become offically the High King, is through the proper Nord tradition of the Moot. The Dragonborn would need the support of the majority of the Jarls to become High King.

What is the nicest house you can buy in Skyrim?

The Best Locations To Buy A House In Skyrim

  • Honeyside (Between 5000 – 8000 Gold) Honeyside in Riften is a modest home for a modest price, but it comes with a lot of benefits.
  • Hjerim (8000 – 12000 Gold)
  • Proudspire Manor (Cost: 25000 Gold)
  • Severin Manor (Free)

What is the cheapest house in Skyrim?


How do I get Breezehome key?

Breezehome can be purchased from Proventus Avenicci (Jarl Balgruuf’s steward) after becoming Thane of Whiterun by slaying your first dragon.

Is Breezehome worth?

Yeah. It’s well-located, cheap, and in a nice town. If you’re worried about the initial outlay of money (as I was) don’t be. By the time you’ve “outgrown” Breezehome you’ll have ample funds to buy another house.

Can you fix up your house in Skyrim?

For the house in Whiterun (Breezehome) this person is Proventus Avenicci, who you usually find near the Jarl. You can buy and furnish the Breezehome away from the throne and bedroom. All you have to do is find the man that you bought your house from and there should be a option to decorate your home.

Can I buy a house in solstheim?

Thankfully, there is one home available for ownership in Solstheim: Severin Manor, which the player receives after completing the “Served Cold” quest in Raven Rock.

Who is the owner of the golden claw?


Can you marry Camilla Valerius?

Camilla Valerius is an Imperial pawnbroker, and the sister of Lucan Valerius, the owner of Riverwood Trader in Riverwood. She may be married if her disposition towards you is high enough, giving you full access to the Riverwood Trader. …

Should I give back the golden claw?

If you don’t give it to him his shop stays as a 24/7 shop which is really handy as skipping a couple in game hours is valuable seconds you could be doing something else in BUT then you keep the annoying quest in you log.

Where is golden claw owner?

Find the owner of the Golden Claw Travel to Riverwood and go to the Riverwood Trader (again, it’s the second building on the right as you enter from the south). Talk to Lucan Valerius at the counter and hand over the Golden Claw.

Can you sell the golden claw?

all you got to do is after you sell it to the guy in the riverwood trade store, just walk out wait about a day (or until morning) go back inside and it should be on the counter in front of him.

Should I help Arvel the Swift?

Regardless, it is impossible to keep him alive. You may also kill him as soon as you free him, although low-level players may find him a useful distraction for the draugr in the nearby room. Arvel carries a journal describing how the claw came into his possession.

How do you get the golden claw if Arvel runs away?

2 Answers. Keep moving along the path. You’ll find he’s met an unexpected fate at the hands of the denizens deeper within the barrow, allowing you to retrieve the claw again.

Where does Arvel the swift run to?

Bleak Falls Burrow

Where is the Golden Dragon Claw Skyrim?

The Golden Dragon Claw is usually the first claw to be encountered, as it is part of “The Golden Claw” side quest, which is obtained in Riverwood from Lucan Valerius. If not started by Lucan Valerius, it is started upon entering Bleak Falls Barrow.

Where is the redguard woman?

The Bannered Mare inn

Is Saadia a Thalmor spy?

Personal head cannon: Saadia is a Thalmor spy sent to infiltrate Whiterun and seduce and manipulate (and possibly kill in required) the Jarl.

Should I kill kematu or Saadia?

So to break it down, Kematu’s Alik’r are mercenaries that made 2 groups feel threatened, they were most likely hired by the Thalmor to capture Saadia and bring her back, and Kematu lies to you out of desperation in the cave, after you’ve destroyed his forces. Side with the Alik’r and Saadia will be executed.

Should I kill kematu or help Saadia?

Kematu claims to be trying to bring Saadia home with him to face justice, but if you turn Saadia over he actually simply murders her, and her body appears in the Whiterun Hall of the Dead. So, unless she has been rude to you in the past, side with Saadia. Kematu uses an excuse to prevent being persecuted by the Nord’s.