Can you adopt a child in Oblivion?

Can you adopt a child in Oblivion?

Straight donations accepted. You can now see children running around Cyrodiil and Shivering Isles adding life to the game. Many NPCs are now parents. And you can even adopt a child if you have a house for them to live in.

Can you dual wield in Oblivion?

How to Get Dual Wield in "Oblivion" "The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion" features dozens of weapons, though by default, the player can only equip one at a time. If the player wants to wield two swords at once, he must first install Evantal's "Duel Wielding," a free mod available via The Elder Scrolls Nexus.

What is the best class in Oblivion?

Heavy Armor is good, Blades is good, and Block is good. But you have four more class skills to take. You might want something with range, like Marksman or Destruction. And you might like to heal yourself with either Alchemy or Restoration.

How do you cheat in Oblivion?

In my opinion, no. It is not worth the time to calculate, plan and execute tedious skill increases to ensure you get your 5/5/5 or 5/5/1 every level up. There is little difference in the long run between efficiently leveled and normal leveling. People often think badly levelled or leveling too fast is game breaking.

What is the strongest weapon in Oblivion?

The Umbra Sword is a one-handed longsword found in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

What is the strongest bow in Oblivion?

Minor skill are skills that are not selected as a major skill at character creation, but do not improve at a reduced rate. Minor skills do not contribute to the total amount of skill increases needed for leveling, though they do count towards attribute multipliers when leveling.

What is the best armor in Oblivion?

Without Shivering Isles Daedric is the best heavy armor, Glass is the best light armor and Daedric are the best weapons. With Shivering Isles Perfect Madness armor is the best heavy armor, Perfect Amber armor is the best light armor, and Perfect Madness weapons are the best weapons.

How important is luck in Oblivion?

Oblivion:Luck. Luck governs no skills directly, nor does it boost your skills over 100. However, it affects just about everything in the game. In-game Description: Luck has an effect on everything you do, but governs no skills.

What is the best house in Oblivion?

the best/biggest house in oblivion (no DLC) is Rosethorn Hall in skingrad. After you have bought everything for it, go up to the master bedroom and jump on the platform above the deer head. There will be a 'long forgotten note' there. Read it and the side quest 'the rosethorn cache will be available.

What is the fastest way to level up heavy armor in Oblivion?

Staffs that do direct damage, like firing bolts or balls of file, have no influence on Destruction skill. But perhaps that indirect ways of doing damage is different.

How do I increase my illusion in Oblivion?

Illusion Training: Supply a master illusionist with Welkynd Stones to receive her training. Skill Books: Books that provide lessons in illusion. Increasing Attributes: Tips on training skills to improve the Personality attribute. Free Skill Boosts: Vampires gain a free illusion skill boost.

Are there perks in oblivion?

Oblivion:Skill Perks. This is a quick-reference table of the skill perks for each of the skills in the game. ^ a b c These skill perks become available if you use a Fortify Skill spell to boost your skill level. Most skill perks are only possible if you permanently increase your skill level.

Where can I train destruction in Oblivion?

Bravil Mages Guild in the morning. Bralsa Andaren is the Destruction master trainer. She can be found out in the wilderness northwest of Skingrad, just northwest of the Shrine of Sanguine. Talk to her about training and she'll tell you to return with 20 bear pelts.

How do you increase heavy armor in Oblivion?

To maximize heavy armor skill increases, you should wear an almost complete set of heavy armor (boots, cuirass, gauntlets, greaves, helmet but no shield). Let an enemy hit you repeatedly without blocking and your skill will increase. If you block using your hands, both your heavy armor and Block skills will increase.