Can turtles live in tap water?

Can turtles live in tap water?

Do not use tap water for your tank, as tap water contains chlorine and possibly fluoride which can upset the pH balance of your system. De-chlorinated water needs to be used for the swimming area and filtered water for your turtle to drink. Turtles can carry Salmonella.

Do turtles get attached to their owners?

Yes, turtles can become attached to their owners. They can learn to recognize them and even learn their owners voice. However, the bond that is formed is not the same kind one would have with a pet like a dog.

How often should I feed my turtle live fish?

A good rule of thumb is to, if you really want to, let your turtles have some feeder fish once or twice a month. Some owners have suggested that once a week is fine, but that is still far more often than any turtle would eat in the wild.

How do I keep my turtle happy?

Provide lots of space. Turtles enjoy swimming, basking in the sun, and being active. Turtles also grow. Therefore, providing lots of space for your turtle to enjoy these activities and giving room to grow is important in making your turtle happy.

Can turtles eat fish?

The carnivorous portion of their diet should consist of commercial turtle or fish pellets (trout chow) as well as a variety of invertebrates and vertebrates. You can feed fish to aquatic turtles and "feeder fish" may be purchased from pet stores or bait stores.

Can turtles drown?

Because turtles aren't fish, they don't have gills, which means they can't breathe under water. That means that turtles can't stay underwater all the time. They can hold their breath for a very long time, but they have to come up to breathe every so often, or they will drown. There are no SCUBA tanks for turtles.

Can turtles eat goldfish?

You can feed fish to aquatic turtles and "feeder fish" may be purchased from pet stores or bait stores. Depending on the size of the turtle, fish such as goldfish, guppies or minnows may be used.

Can I put snails in my turtle tank?

Snails. Snails can be a great addition to your tank as many of them are omnivores and eat leftovers from your turtle. There are many varieties and, like anything else you are going to put into your tank, it needs to be researched. Mystery Snails/Apple Snails are a good choice and will help clean your tank.

Do turtles eat all the fish in a pond?

Turtles are scavengers by nature, and they will locate the fish nests in your pond and feed on the eggs. The amount of turtles it will take to affect the fish population in your pond will ultimately depend on the size of your pond, but it is important to keep the turtle population to a minimum.

Do turtles have teeth?

While some prehistoric turtles had teeth, no modern turtles possess real teeth. Instead, all of the turtles alive today have very sharp beaks which the use to bite with. Hatchlings emerge from their eggs using what is commonly known as the egg-tooth or caruncle.

How much does it cost to own a turtle?

Generally, a baby aquatic turtle can cost less than $20, while the land varieties can cost between $30 and $100, depending on species. Like many animals, baby turtles demand specific care to help them mature into healthy adults.

Do turtles get lonely?

Turtles are not social creatures. They do not get lonely and do not need a friend. You can always put more than one turtle in the same tank, though some species tend to be more aggressive and some may fight, so this is best handled on a case by case basis. Turtles DO carry salmonella (so do all other reptiles).

Can two female turtles live together?

When housing multiple red-eared sliders together, consider the genders of the turtles. When housing males and females together, it's important to have at least two to three females per one male so he can share the love so no one slider becomes overly stressed or injured.

Do red eared sliders bite?

Red-eared sliders may bite — and the bite can be quite painful. The bite will probably only hurt but may be more damaging to young kids with small fingers. Keep in mind that red-eared sliders won't bite "just because." In most cases, a bite is a result of an animal being mishandled or hurt.

What is the smallest turtle?

The Smallest Turtle In The World – Speckled Padloper Tortoise. These tiny creatures measure a full 3 inches (6-8 cm) for adult males and 4 inches (8-10 cm) for adult females. And weigh in at a beefy 100-165 grams! The 'padloper' in the animals' name means 'trail walker.