
Can ships explode in space?

Can ships explode in space?

Yes, provided there is an oxidizer. A spaceship with liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen will blow up quite well in the vacuum of space. Chemical explosives will also explode in space since they function by breaking weakly bonded chemical components; no oxygen is necessary.

What happens if you throw something in space?

If one throws it in the direction of motion, it will speed up and go further out, causing the orbital period to lengthen. It would be at the same spot later then the station. Throwing the opposite direction will cause it to slow down, lowering it’s orbital period, and the ball will arrive first at the spot.

What would happen if you threw a tennis ball in space?

In deep space, far enough away from large objects like stars and planets that gravity may be neglected, a thrown ball will travel in a straight line and the person throwing the ball will also travel in a straight line in the opposite direction.

Why is everything in the universe moving?

Everything in the Universe is in motion because forces exist in the Universe. The gravitational force and the electromagnetic force ensure large objects are in motion while the weak and strong nuclear forces ensure the quantum world is constantly in motion. If there were no forces, there would be no motion.

Does the universe expand in all directions?

Scientists have previously conducted many tests of whether the universe is the same in all directions. The results gave the researchers apparent expansion speeds across the whole sky – revealing that the universe appears to be moving away from us faster in some directions than others.

Does the whole universe rotate?

Almost everything in the universe spins. Planets rotate on their axis, stars spin around black holes, and galaxies spin in great spiral structures. Structures rotate because of a property known as angular momentum. Angular momentum is a measure of mass and rotation, and it is a conserved physical property.

Does the universe have a center?

There is no centre of the universe! According to the standard theories of cosmology, the universe started with a “Big Bang” about 14 thousand million years ago and has been expanding ever since. Yet there is no centre to the expansion; it is the same everywhere.

How long does it take for the universe to rotate?

about 225-250 million years

How long does it take for a galaxy to rotate?

about 200 million years

How fast sun moves through space?

200 kilometers per second

Which arm is closest to the center of the galaxy?

Orion-Cygnus Arm