Can police subpoena bank records?

Can police subpoena bank records?

Answer: Usually, based upon his his affadavit of probable cause, the prosecutor's office will issue a subpoena. A search warrant for bank statements, or any other financial records for that matter, is subject to additional requirements because bank and financial records are protected by federal law.

How far back can bank records be subpoenaed?

The period requiring record documentation could go back many years, and banks typically only retain records for seven years (as little as two years for certain items). Any fiduciary matter, i.e., situations in which someone was entrusted with the custody and care of funds for someone else.

Is it expensive to subpoena bank records?

Commonly, subpoenas are issued to financial institutions, accountants, treating physicians and government bodies. The cost of issuing a subpoena can amount to thousands of dollars depending on the nature and scope of the documents sought in a subpoena or the time it would take to give evidence at a hearing or Trial.

Can my ex wife subpoena my bank records?

If bank accounts are in your spouse's name alone, or he or she has separate business bank accounts, your attorney can subpoena bank records. However, the information is relevant in a divorce case, and the court in most cases will order the bank comply with your request.