Can kennel cough go away on its own?
Can kennel cough go away on its own?
Kennel cough can usually go away on its own – most cases will clear up within three weeks and shouldn't need any treatment at all. The vet may be able to prescribe antibiotics for kennel cough to target the Bordetella bacteria.
What can I give my dog for kennel cough over the counter?
Mild over-the-counter cough suppressants such as Mucinex cough medicine for children may help keep pets comfortable. Temaril-P can also be used to treat itching and coughing symptoms in dogs. Keeping pets in a well-humidified area and using a harness instead of a collar may also help decrease the coughing.
How much does it cost to treat kennel cough?
These include vaccinations for kennel cough, canine distemper, canine hepatitis, canine parainfluenza, coronavirus, heartworms, leptospirosis, lyme disease, parvovirus, and rabies. These vaccinations will cost between $60 to $70 on average, with the rabies vaccine costing an addition $15 to $20.
Should I take my dog to vet for kennel cough?
If you think your dog has kennel cough, see your veterinarian as soon as possible. Because there's no specific test for kennel cough, it's a diagnosis of exclusion. More serious cases are treated with oral antibiotics and often cough suppressants. Most cases resolve within 7-14 days.