Can I wear purple lipstick?

Can I wear purple lipstick?

Purple is a neutral in the makeup world. This shade has a hard-to-wear reputation that isn't deserved, but as long as you choose the best purple lipstick for your skintone, wearing it can be easy and gorgeous. I promise! Purple is a versatile color because it can be worn anytime, any season, and on any skin color.

What color lipstick should I wear with purple?

If you are wearing a purple dress nude lipsticks should be your best pick. Purple Is a strong color which doesn't complement with many colors. Although many celebrities have tried red lipstick look with the purple dress but if you want to be on the safer side choose nude lipstick.

What does purple lipstick mean?

Purple lipstick More layered than red, more mysterious than a bright pink, a purple lip is usually worn by a woman who revels in her power and femininity. She's strong, confident, sexy, individualistic and a bit unapproachableā€¦ not someone who suffers fools gladly.