Can I use Miracle Grow on African violets?

Can I use Miracle Grow on African violets?

African violets grow best in well-drained, slightly acidic soil. Miracle-Gro® Indoor Potting Mix is specially formulated to provide indoor plants like African violets with just the right growing environment. Growing plants in these pots will provide the proper amount of continuous moisture to the plants.

Do African violets need special pots?

On 1-inch pots, make one 1/8-inch hole. The choice between clay pot and plastic pots is one of preference. While African Violets can successfully be grown in either one, each offers different benefits and drawbacks. An unglazed, clay pot is porous.

Is Epsom salt good for African violets?

Applied once per month epsom salts will help trigger bloom in your violets and be a good companion to your African violet specialty fertilizer. Dissolve two tablespoons of epsom salts in one gallon of tepid water in a watering can or pitcher. Swish or swirl the salts in the water to dissolve them and combine the two.

What is the difference between African violet potting soil and regular potting soil?

African violet mixes also are slightly more acid than regular house-plant potting soil. They do not contain natural soil from outdoors. Soilless mixes usually contain sphagnum peat moss and sand, or horticultural vermiculite or perlite and a small amount of African violet fertilizer.

What kind of pots do African violets like?

Miracle-Gro® Indoor Potting Mix is specially formulated to provide indoor plants like African violets with just the right growing environment. For best results, plant African violets in African violet pots, which are small (4- to 5-inch) ceramic or plastic self-watering containers.

What type of pots are best for African violets?

In our opinion, the Aquaphoric Self Watering Planter is the best pot for African violets. The Aquaphoric planter is designed to make planting easier for you. The 1-quart potting soil that comes with purchase gives you a head start. Fiber soil is good for your plants as it allows the roots to stretch and grow easily.

Do African violets need to be watered from the bottom?

Should I water African violets from the top or bottom? Either is fine. It is important not to use cold water; lukewarm or warm is preferred. If you water from the top, be careful not to get water on the leaves when the plant is in the sun; this is to avoid leaf spots.

Where do you put African violets?

While African Violets will tolerate direct sunlight very early or very late in the day, they should, in all other cases, be shielded from direct sunlight. For best results, place your Violets in a window where they will receive light most of the day, i.e., a window with western or southern exposure.

Are clay pots good for African violets?

Clay Pots – These are not the best looking pots, but they are very porous, which can be good for you African violets to drain the water. Plastic Pots – Most of these pots, but especially the ones that have saucer bottoms, are well-draining pots that your African violets will love.

How do you get African violets to flower?

An African violet (Saintpaulia spp.) can last indefinitely, according to the Bay State African Violet Society. It's not unusual for them to live 50 years or more with proper care. The key is to avoid overwatering, chilling and direct sunlight — three things that can drastically reduce an African violet's lifespan.

Can you separate African violets?

African violets often develop multiple crowns, which can be split apart and used to propagate new plants through a process called division. Division propagation creates mature African violet plants faster than other methods. However, they are susceptible to damage and must be handled with care to ensure success.

How often does an African violet bloom?

A: African violets are capable of blooming year-round in the home, but they won't bloom reliably if one or more of their basic needs are not being met. The most likely reason African violets stop blooming is because they're in too little light.

Can you use orchid potting mix for African violets?

Potting mixes for phalaenopsis orchids must provide the sort of air movement the plants are used to in nature. The result is a potting mix very different from African violet soil, which is typically a mixture containing 1 part each of soil, perlite and sphagnum peat.

Can you use African violet potting soil for succulents?

For the best potting soil for succulents, start with a basic cactus and succulent soil mix, or even an African violet mix, available at most garden centers. Peat moss, the main ingredient in most potting soils, is hard to wet and then dries out quickly.

How big can African violets get?

Standard African violet plants when fully mature range from 8-16 inches (20-40cm) in diameter across a single crown. The flowers on these plants can grow to 2 inches (5cm) across the petals and a single leaf blade can grow to 3 inches (7.5cm) in length.

How do you care for an African violet plant indoors?

Even though African violets (Saintpaulia ionantha) and phalaenopsis orchids (Phalaenopsis spp.) both require well-drained potting mixes, their growing conditions are too dissimilar for them to do well in the same kind of planting medium.