Can I use corn flour instead of cornmeal in cornbread?

Can I use corn flour instead of cornmeal in cornbread?

The major difference between corn flour and cornmeal is its texture and consistency. Cornmeal, made from drying and grinding dent corn, ranges in texture from coarse to fine. It's more coarsely ground than corn flour. If the cornmeal is used to thicken a recipe, then corn flour will make for an adequate substitute.

Can I use cornmeal instead of cornstarch?

Cornstarch is a starch made from corn. It is not to be confused with cornmeal or corn masa. Both cornstarch and finely-ground cornmeal are sometimes called cornflour; this is thus a bad term to use. When a recipe uses cornstarch in this way, you can often substitute flour or cornmeal.

Is cornmeal better than flour?

Cornmeal has minerals and vitamins like thiamine, B6, folate, selenium, manganese, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Unlike flour made from wheat grains, cornmeal does not contain gluten. It is therefore safe for those with gluten intolerance and celiac disease.

Are corn flour and cornstarch the same thing?

All said the same thing: Corn flour and cornstarch are one and the same, a finely powdered corn product, used primarily for thickening sauces. It is made from the whole kernel of the corn, while cornstarch is made only from the ground endosperm.