Can I sue car dealership for lying?

Can I sue car dealership for lying?

Can I Sue A Dealership for Lying? Again, the answer is yes, you can sue car dealership when the true condition of the car that you purchased was not revealed to you during your transaction. Car buyers have the right to know the truth about the vehicle that they purchase.

Can I sue a car dealership for false advertising?

California law allows persons to recover damages for intentional fraudulent misrepresentation. Also, negligent misrepresentations if certain elements are sufficiently plead and proved. As a California consumer, you have clearly protected rights to sue car dealers if you were deceived at the time of purchase.

How do I sue a car dealership?

If you believe you have been the victim of auto dealer fraud by way of misrepresentation, you may very well be able to file a lawsuit. Some states will require you to contact the dealer first to give them the opportunity to correct the matter or to speak with a state consumer protection agency.

What kind of lawyer do I need to sue a dealership?

Mark Tischhauser, Esq. A consumer lawyer – generally you will have to retain a lawyer to review your warranty and see WHY they claim you had to pay money.