Can I subpoena phone records?

Can I subpoena phone records?

If you need someone's phone records as evidence for a lawsuit, you can file a subpoena to access them. You'll need a valid reason for obtaining the phone records, such as proving a crime. Submit your subpoena to the court and ask your clerk if you need to serve copies to the other parties.

How long does a subpoena for phone records take?

It varies (especially by company), but three to four weeks is typically the bare minimum I've seen for responses to subpoenae/court orders for tower dumps or phone records. Five to six weeks is my general average I've seen, and one company regularly takes at least three months on average.

How much does it cost to subpoena cell phone records?

1 attorney answer Most major telecoms should be able to tell you the processing/per page fee fairly easily. I think I remember AT&T was around $15 up front and then $40 per hour of work.

Can a lawyer subpoena work records?

Subpoenas can be "quashed" if they seek records that are overbroad for the stated purpose, but the objections have to comply with the Code of Civil Procedure. Hire a lawyer to help you, or seek consultation from the free family law facilitators at your local courthouse, who help with support issues.