Can I raise my baby vegetarian?

Can I raise my baby vegetarian?

Are there any health implications for raising your child as a vegetarian, vegan or pescatarian? But research shows that children who are raised as vegetarians grow and develop at the same rate as meat-eaters. They receive mostly the same amount of protein, energy and other key nutrients that children need.

Is it healthy for a child to be vegetarian?

In healthy children a vegetarian diet can provide a nutritious alternative to a diet that includes meat. Vegetarian diets are prone to vitamin and protein deficiencies, so care must be taken that nutritional needs are met. Very young children and babies should not eat a strict vegetarian diet.

What to feed a one year old vegetarian?

Iodine: Iodized salt and sea vegetables such as nori. Iron: Lentils, kidney beans, black beans, dark leafy greens, raisins, and fortified grains. Calcium: whole milk dairy products (milk [not for baby under 1 year], cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese), dark leafy greens, tofu, baked beans, almonds, sesame seeds, and figs.