Can I put a cleaner fish in my turtle tank?

Can I put a cleaner fish in my turtle tank?

Add a few working fish. Some fish, like Otocinclus catfish ("Oto's") and Hypostomus plecostomus ("plecos" or "plecs"), can help keep the water clean by eating algae and scavenging for leftovers on the bottom of the tank. But working in a turtle tank is a dangerous job for a fish because your turtle may eat them!

Can I put an algae eater in my turtle tank?

Keep in mind there may always be some algae in the tank and perhaps even on your turtle's shell―trying to totally remove algae is futile and unnecessary. You can also add in animals that eat algae like snails and plecos. However, your turtle might eat them so you'll have to replace them continuously.

Can turtle and fish live together?

Fish and turtles can live in the same tank together, provided several of the following factors are on point. Your aquarium tank is large enough to accommodate both turtles and fish. You have a turtle that is less interested in eating fish, such as mud and musk turtles.