Can I mix my body lotion with coconut oil?

Can I mix my body lotion with coconut oil?

Yes. Organic virgin coconut oil is 100% natural and will blend in lotion just fine. It will do wonders for your skin and skin problems. You don't even need the lotion.

Can coconut oil be used as body lotion?

“Coconut oil is a commonly used as a hydrating oil in its raw form or as an ingredient in moisturizers,” says Dr. Zeichner. Simply use it as your go-to moisturizer if you're looking for an affordable option that not only smells amazing, but also leaves your skin feeling nourished and smooth.

Does coconut oil expire?

Coconut oil can spoil, but it has a long shelf life. … Coconut oil will remain usable for a long time, but if you're not sure how long your bottle of coconut oil has been stored, look for signs of mold and check for smell and taste. If it has developed any mold, dark spots, a strange odor, or bad taste, throw it away!

Is beeswax good for skin?

Beeswax is the natural wax substance that hives produce. … Beeswax heals and softens skin, and is an antibacterial agent. It can help you fight conditions like acne, dry skin, eczema, and stretch marks. Our raw beeswax can help you create your own skin care moisturizers and lotions specially formulated just for you.

How do you make homemade coconut oil?

Place the grated coconut in a large bucket and pour in Water (8 cup). Massage with your hands. Then grab a handful and squeeze out as much liquid as you can. Place the grated coconut that you've already squeezed out in another bucket, repeat the same process again.

Is coconut oil good for your hair?

According to LiveStrong, using coconut oil for hair can promote softness, nourish your scalp, and help your hair grow thicker and longer. Because it's a highly nourishing oil, you can use coconut oil for hair loss, dandruff, and split ends.

Is coconut oil good for your skin?

Coconut oil is used in many natural face products and for good reason: it's naturally anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and moisturizing. Coconut oil is composed primarily of nourishing fatty acids and is especially high in lauric acid. It also contains vitamin E and healthy fats, which help to make skin smooth.