Can I drink spearmint tea everyday?

Can I drink spearmint tea everyday?

Possible health benefits of spearmint Many health benefits have been attributed to spearmint, whether consumed fresh or used as an essential oil. Research published in Phytotherapy Research suggests that drinking two cups of spearmint tea a day, for 5 days could reduce the level of androgens in women with hirsutism.

How long does spearmint tea take to work?

“I'd recommend consuming one to two glasses of spearmint tea for at least 30 days to see how it affects you,” he says. “60 to 90 days would be best to get your body used to it.”

How do you make spearmint tea taste better?

Sweeteners dissolve better in hot or warm water than they do in cold water. Add sugar cane, brown sugar or honey to the water while it is still warm. You can also use simple sugar or alternative sugar syrups. Squeeze the juice of two fresh limes into the tea.

Can you drink too much spearmint tea?

Excessive use of spearmint tea might cause damage to the uterus. Higher amounts of spearmint tea seem to have greater effects. In theory, using large amounts of spearmint tea might make kidney disorders worse. Liver disease: Spearmint tea might increase liver damage.