Can hypothyroidism be cured naturally?

Can hypothyroidism be cured naturally?

Hypothyroidism—Naturopathic Treatments The current conventional medical treatment for hypothyroidism is daily thyroid hormone supplementation with synthetic levothyroxine (T4), liothyronine (T3), or natural desiccated thyroid (T4 and T3) to correct low levels.

Can you reverse hypothyroidism?

Temporary hypothyroidism occurs when your thyroid is underactive, but the cause is very treatable. Temporary hypothyroidism sometimes occurs after pregnancy, external injury, or surgery. Permanent, or primary hypothyroidism is definitely treatable. Many doctors believe it can never be reversed.

Can you treat hypothyroidism without medication?

Eating specific foods or taking supplements won't help you control hypothyroidism. But they can make you feel better, lower your stress, and prevent disease. Make sure you keep up with the medication your doctor prescribes. Natural treatments can't replace the traditional ones.