
Can cichlids crossbreed?

Can cichlids crossbreed?

Hybrids are quite common in the cichlid hobby. Almost any Central American cichlid will hybridize with any other. Many of the mbuna (rock dwelling cichlids from Lake Malawi) will hybridize with each other.

Are Yellow Lab cichlids aggressive?

Q: Are Yellow Lab cichlids aggressive? A: The Yellow Lab cichlid is a peaceful fish, although, if the aquarium is understocked, males can become aggressive toward males of different species.

Can male and female cichlids live together?

A male-female pair will usually get along fine. However, keeping more than a single pair of these cichlids will usually result in fights. You may be able to pull this off in an aquarium bigger than 30 gallons, but keep an eye on your fish.

Can a red tail shark live with cichlids?

Other sharks such as Rainbow and Red-finned should be avoided. Fish with significant red coloration can also be bullied. To be safe I would also recommend simply avoiding all other bottom dwellers including Plecos and Cichlids. Finally, it goes without saying any peaceful/docile fish should also be avoided.

Why do cichlids bite each other?

One of the major reasons (besides mating) that cichlids are so territorial is due to food. If they find that food is scarce, they are more apt to be aggressive and guard their territory. Just be sure not to feed your fish sporadically or aggression in your tank could increase.

Why do my cichlids look like they are kissing?

Some cichlids press their lips together during courtship. This may seem obvious to humans, but this behavior is much less commonly a sign of affection in fish. This behavior is nowhere near as common as the aggressive, “lip-wrestling” between males.

Do cichlids change color?

Many fish, cichlids included, often display color changes and color fading. These may be short term as induced by environmental stressors, mating, and other stimuli. On the other hand, some changes may be longer term, ontogenetic changes that are typical of the species.

Do female cichlids dig?

Females may dig. Non Mbuna are less likely to dig, thou some males will make a “nest”, really more of a marker of territory. Females much less likely to dig than Mbuna. Many cichlids will dig if bored, like when solitary.

Are female African cichlids aggressive?

Are African cichlids aggressive? Yes, they are very aggressive when it comes to fighting over territories and during mating time. However, you can make them coexist with other less aggressive species by reducing their aggression to certain levels as discussed above.

Do African cichlids eat other fish?

Of coure, you aren’t going to be able to keep any small fish with an oscar or other highly predatory cichlid — these cichlids eat other fish for a living so putting in a tetra or a swordtail is just giving them an expensive lunch.

Can bettas live with African cichlids?

When you house a betta fish with a cichlid, the betta’s famous long, flowing fins can become a problem. An aggressive cichlid can harass your betta and nip and tear his fin. This will result in two problems for your betta. First, the torn or distressed fins will hinder his ability to swim properly.