Can Aerogel stop a bullet?

Can Aerogel stop a bullet?

To collect these delicate particles, each smaller than a grain of sand, aerogel will gradually slow them to a stop without damaging them or altering their shape and chemical composition.

What is frozen smoke?

Aerogel is the lightest solid material known. Some call it "frozen smoke"…others see it as "pet cloud." Despite its density–three times that of air–the material has tremendous insulating capability. A one-inch thick aerogel window has the same insulation value as fifteen panes of glass and trapped air.

Is Aerogel waterproof?

Over 96% air by volume, these aerogels have been made waterproof and are resistant to fingerprints, moisture, and can even float in a glass of water without damage!

How do you make graphene Aerogel?

Aerogel is created by combining a polymer with a solvent to form a gel, and then removing the liquid from the gel and replacing it with gas (usually air). The high air content (99.98% air by volume) makes it one of the world's lightest solid material.