Can a guy and a girl be best friends without falling in love?

Can a guy and a girl be best friends without falling in love?

The Answer is: Possibly Not. Why? Because it will ruin their friendship. Eventually, either the boy will develop feelings for the girl or the girl will develop feelings for the boy, but they won't express it because they don't want to spoil the relationship between them.

Can a guy accidentally say I love you?

If a man disconnects after he accidentally says "I love you," he either does love you, or is afraid to fall in love, or is falling. Don't be surprised if he disconnects after the Freudian slip he's made which means he will do something like not call for a week, or not see you for a week.

How do I know if I’m in love?

When you're in love, you start seeing your bae as an extension of yourself, so when they're hurt, nervous or really excited about something like getting accepted into a school or program they really wanted, then you experience the same feelings as them.

Do guys fall for their female friends?

So some guys does fall in love with their female best friend because when they get the kind of love, care, affection, respect that they always seek was there in front of them so, automatically that girl create a beautiful space in their life and head and heart so they fall I love….

Can you say I love you to a guy friend?

A huge majority of people who I spoke to said that they say “I love you” to all of their friends, close or not. It seemed as casual — and, paradoxically, as sincere — as a hug. Nope. A few people told me that they feel uncomfortable saying “I love you” no matter who they're saying it to, even if it's said to them.

How will u know if a guy loves u?

I have seen various women believe words that come out of a man's mouth, turning a blind eye on his actions. He says he cares for you but his actions states otherwise. If you are dating a man that is all talk, give him away for free. If a man truly loves you, he'll not only tell you, he will show you.

Is it a crush or love?

Here's The Difference. I think many people often mistake crushes and infatuation with love. It's easy to see how the two are mistaken for love because the feelings are so intense, but there is a difference. Crush is defined as a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone inappropriate or unattainable

Is it wrong to be in love with your best friend?

No, It is wrong if you compel your best friend when he/she doesn't reciprocate to your feelings. Being in love with a best friend will be very difficult. If you cannot stop yourself from wanting more from a friend you will lose them.

Why do I love my best friend?

I love you my best friend because you are always there when I need you. When I need someone, be it a little help for the projects, or for dealing with some friend problem, or if I had a tiff with my family, you always find a way to help me. Whenever I need you and whatever for, you are always there helping me.

Can you fall in love with a guy friend?

If he truly respects you, he will respect your feelings, no matter what. However, falling in love with your best guy friend can possibly “last forever." If you do happen to fall in love with each other at the same time, go for it. There isn't a guy who knows you better than he does.

Do I tell my friend I have feelings for him?

It can be scary to tell your guy friend you're in love with him, but communicating your feelings calmly and openly is the best way to let him know how you really feel. Choose a private time to talk to him about your feelings. Be direct and honest as you calmly tell him how you feel.

When your best friend is your love quotes?

I am only a friend to you, yet you bring sunshine into my life, you make me smile every day, and you make me the happiest that I have ever been. I really want to tell you my feelings, but I do not want to destroy our friendship. Everything is now clear to me. I would only be a friend to you, not the love of your life.

Should I tell my best friend how I feel?

Yes. Otherwise it will eat you alive. She needs to understand that you are just being honest about how you feel, she does not have any particular obligation in response: you don't mean for things to get weird between you. Explain that you are scared that you will lose the friendship be telling her.

How do you know they’re the one?

"'The one' makes you feel loved and secure. You are able to be yourself and feel accepted. "You don't feel scared of their reaction if you want to tell them something that may be hard, either to say or for them to hear. There is balance in how you interact."