Can a day of the week be possessive?

Can a day of the week be possessive?

When it is one measure of time (e.g., a day, one week), the apostrophe goes before the “s” (e.g., a day’s pay, one week’s vacation). When it is more than one measure of time (two days, five weeks), it goes after the “s” (e.g., two days’ pay, five weeks’ vacation).

What is the plural of Sunday?

Sundays is the only way to make the noun sunday plural. Confusion arises because some people mistakenly believe that all nouns ending in “y” should form a plural ending in “ies”. When a noun ends with [vowel] + y, you only need to add an “s” to form the plural.

What is the plural for Friday?

Friday /ˈfraɪˌdeɪ/ noun. plural Fridays.

Is there an apostrophe in Sundays?

Sunday’s is possessive in nature when you use the apostrophe. Use Sundays instead, unless you know someone named Sunday. See the difference below: If only all Sundays were so smooth.

What do Sundays mean?

Sunday is the day of the week between Saturday and Monday. For some Christians, Sunday is observed as a day for worship of God and rest, due to the belief that it is Lord’s Day, the day of Christ’s resurrection. Sunday is a day of rest in most Western countries, part of ‘the weekend’.

Why is it called Friday?

Friday is named after the wife of Odin. Some scholars say her name was Frigg; others say it was Freya; other scholars say Frigg and Freya were two separate goddesses. Whatever her name, she was often associated with Venus, the Roman goddess of love, beauty and fertility. “Friday” comes from Old English “Frīgedæg.”

What is the seventh day of the week in the Bible?


What day is the true Sabbath?

The Jewish Sabbath (from Hebrew shavat, “to rest”) is observed throughout the year on the seventh day of the week—Saturday. According to biblical tradition, it commemorates the original seventh day on which God rested after completing the creation.

What day did God rest?

According to the Book of Exodus, the Sabbath is a day of rest on the seventh day, commanded by God to be kept as a holy day of rest, as God rested from creation. The practice of observing the Sabbath (Shabbat) originates in the biblical commandment “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy”.

What day of the week is the first?


In which countries is Sunday a working day?


Nation Typical hours worked per week Working week
Iran 44 Saturday–Thursday
Iraq 40 Sunday–Thursday
Ireland 40 Monday–Friday
Israel 42 Sunday–Thursday

Why are days of the week named?

Saturday, Sunday and Monday are named after the celestrial bodies, Saturn, Sun and Moon, but the other days are named after Germanic gods, Tuesday (Tiw’s day), Wednesday (Woden’s day), Thursday (Thor’s day) and Friday (Freya’s day). But first consider those Germanic gods and goddess.

Who named the planets?

Roman mythology is to thank for the monikers of most of the eight planets in the solar system. The Romans bestowed the names of gods and goddesses on the five planets that could be seen in the night sky with the naked eye.

Why is it called Wednesday?

Wednesday is named for the god Woden, who is paralleled with the Roman god Mercury, probably because both gods shared attributes of eloquence, the ability to travel, and the guardianship of the dead. Thursday is Thunor’s day, or, to give the word its Old English form, Thunresdæg “the day of Thunder”.

Who invented the 7 day week?

Emperor Constantine

Why is Thursday called Thursday?

It was named after the Norse god of Thunder, Thor. Thunor, Donar (German, Donnerstag) and Thor are derived from the name of the Germanic god of thunder, Thunraz, equivalent to Jupiter in the interpretatio romana. ) is sometimes used to represent Thursday.

Who is Odin’s wife?


Are the days of the week named after planets?

The days were named after the planets of Hellenistic astrology, in the order: Sun, Moon, Mars (Ares), Mercury (Hermes), Jupiter (Zeus), Venus (Aphrodite) and Saturn (Cronos). The seven-day week spread throughout the Roman Empire in Late Antiquity.

Who is TIW?

Tyr, Old Norse Týr, Old English Tiw, or Tiu, one of the oldest gods of the Germanic peoples and a somewhat enigmatic figure. He was apparently the god concerned with the formalities of war—especially treaties—and also, appropriately, of justice.

What is heimdall the god of?

Heimdall, Old Norse Heimdallr, in Norse mythology, the watchman of the gods. Called the shining god and whitest skinned of the gods, Heimdall dwelt at the entry to Asgard, where he guarded Bifrost, the rainbow bridge. When that time came, Heimdall and his enemy Loki would slay each other. Heimdall.