Are Smeagol and Deagol lovers?

Are Smeagol and Deagol lovers?

Once Smeagol sees Deagol holding the Ring he just found, Smeagol says: “Give us that, Déagol, my love,” said Sméagol, over his friend’s shoulder. “Why?” said Déagol. The first is that he actually did love Deagol – they were relatives, and were apparently friends.

What were Smeagol and Deagol?

Déagol and Sméagol apparently lived in an extended family under a Matriarch. He became the third bearer of the One Ring, after Isildur, when he found it in the Gladden river (a tributary to the Anduin) with his cousin Sméagol.

Was Smeagol a man?

He was introduced in the 1937 fantasy novel The Hobbit, and became important in its sequel, The Lord of the Rings. Gollum was a Stoor Hobbit of the River-folk who lived near the Gladden Fields….

Race Hobbit (Stoor branch)
Gender Male
Book(s) The Hobbit The Lord of the Rings Unfinished Tales

Is Smeagol a good guy?

Smeagol does not lie, deceive or attempt to manipulate others. He is not evil, conniving or malicious – these personality traits belong to Gollum, who should never be confused with Smeagol. “Smeagol would never dream of wielding power over those weaker than himself. He is not a bully.

Who did Smeagol kill?

cousin Déagol

Does Gandalf die?

In the middle of the first Lord of the Rings novel, The Fellowship of the Ring, shortly after his pronouncement on death to Frodo, Gandalf dies.

What killed Gandalf?


Christ-like attribute Gandalf Frodo
Sacrificial death, resurrection Dies in Moria, reborn as Gandalf the White Symbolically dies under Morgul-knife, healed by Elrond
Saviour All three help to save Middle-earth from Sauron
Threefold Messianic symbolism Prophet Priest

How does Frodo die?

Last updated Sep 10 2016. Answer has 24 votes. No, Frodo does not die in the third installment of ‘Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King’ in either the book or movie. He does not even die while standing over the lava of Mount Doom because the power of the ring takes a hold of Frodo, for it easily tempts anyone.

Who is stronger Sauron or Gandalf?

‘ to contest the power of Sauron, if he should arise again, and to move Elves and Men and all living things of good will to valiant deeds. In summary, then, Sauron was portrayed as stronger than Gandalf because he, like some other beings, apparently was indeed stronger, and Gandalf seems to have recognized that fact.

Can smaug kill Sauron?

Sauron has to make some spells on Smaug. On the other hand, Smaug’s fire can destroy power rings, but not the one ring. So Smaug has to fight with claws and teeth for destroying Sauron.

Who is the most powerful person in LOTR?

Answer by Stephen Tempest: God is the most powerful entity in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings universe. The Elvish name for him is actually Eru Ilúvatar, meaning “the one, father of all.” So the question becomes: Who is the second-most powerful being?

Why did Saruman not kill Gandalf?

Saruman did not want the Valar to know that he had betrayed his original purpose for coming to Middle-Earth therefore if he killed Gandalf then Gandalf’s immortal spirit would know and be free to tell the Valar. Ergo Saruman needed to keep Gandalf where Saruman could keep a close eye on him. It would be wise, Gandalf.

Why did Gandalf fake Saruman?

Thus, when he accumulated power for himself and attempted to dominate the peoples of Middle-Earth, he was in direct opposition to his orders. Therefore, Gandalf, when he was ‘promoted’ after his resurrection, cast Saruman from the order.

Why did Saruman join Sauron?

Saruman’s real intention was to permit Sauron to build up his strength, so that the One Ring would reveal itself. He later found that Sauron had more knowledge of the possible location of the One Ring than he expected, and in TA 2941, Saruman finally agreed to attack Dol Guldur.

Did Saruman know Gandalf died?

So unlike the movie, in the book, Saruman didn’t realise that Theoden had risen from his throne until Wormtongue arrived at the Orthanc. And he knew that Gandalf the Gray would have had the knowledge and skill to cure Theoden without any power-ups.

Why is Sauron evil?

Sauron is considered evil because he served Morgoth (Melkor) he then went to Numenor and did a great deal of evil and trickery upon the men living there, corrupting them and lying to them all in the pursuit of his own means of power.

Is Saruman stronger than Gandalf?

5 SARUMAN THE WHITE Most of the time that Gandalf knows Saurman he is known as Saruman the White. He was originally the chief of the wizards as well as the White Council that was formed to fight against Sauron. He was more powerful than Gandalf at these stages, but his study of dark magic turned him to support Sauron.

How long was Saruman evil?

1,500 years

Is Sauron an elf?

Originally Answered: Is Sauron an elf? No Sauron is not an elf, elves are the firstborn children of iluvatar but Sauron is a maia an angelic being that has existed before the universe was even created. He’s a divine spirit that existed long before the creation of Eä but turned to evil when Morgoth corrupted him.

Why is Galadriel so powerful?

Galadriel was always meant to have a very otherworldly quality. She’s among the most powerful elves in the entire realm of Middle Earth, and her power is enhanced by her beauty and her ethereal nature. To heighten this, Galadriel got an extensive amount of special lighting to make her look especially otherworldly.

Why did Gandalf turn white?

As the only one of the five Istari to stay true to his errand, Olórin/Gandalf was sent back to mortal lands by Eru, and he became Gandalf once again. Gandalf was carried to Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien, where he was healed, given a new staff, and clothed in white, and thus became Gandalf the White.

Is Gandalf the White stronger than GREY?

Gandalf was more powerful as white than grey. His wisdom as well as his magical powers and his physical powers were all increased. He basically was now Saruman (like he said). Gandalf has grey, because he is less powerful, but still one of the most powerful, possibly the second most powerful of the five.

What race is Gandalf?


Is Gandalf the White more powerful?

He returned in The Two Towers as Gandalf the White, a similar but seemingly more powerful being. It was that resurrection that Gandalf transformed from Gandalf the Grey to Gandalf the White. As Gandalf the White, the sole emissary of the Valar, he was given greater powers and wisdom.

Why can’t Gandalf touch the ring?

One of the most popular topics among fans is why can’t Gandalf touch the Ring. If you are wondering the same, this article is for you. Gandalf actually can touch the ring, and he has done it multiple times, he just doesn’t want to hold it for long because he doesn’t want to fall under its spell and get corrupted.

Is Gandalf more powerful than Galadriel?

Gandalf the White, or in his true form, is much stronger then wise elf Galadriel in the Lord of the Rings.

Why was Saruman so weak?

TLDR: Saruman lost his powers because Gandalf removed them with the authority granted by Eru. Gandalf received his power to break Saruman’s staff from the same authority that brought him back from the dead, and turned him from Grey to White.

Is Galadriel stronger than Saruman?

And if we’re not talking about a physical power struggle, in terms of mind and strength of character Galadriel did at least indirectly show greater strength and wisdom Saruman, considering that both in their own way fell into a situation where they were tempted by the Ring/Sauron. Saruman succumbed, Galadriel did not.

How did Saruman become evil?

Paul Kocher identifies Saruman’s use of a palantír, a seeing-stone, as the immediate cause of his downfall, but also suggests that through his study of “the arts of the enemy”, Saruman was drawn into imitation of Sauron.

Who is more powerful Sauron or Saruman?

Saruman was granted the greatest power initially, but still less than that of Sauron as Sauron was not restricted to the body of a man. But take all of them (including Sauron) back to Valinor and they are more or less equal in power, being lesser than the Valar.