Are numbers first or last in alphabetical order?

Are numbers first or last in alphabetical order?

Arranging Numerical Entries in MLA Works Cited If you have two or more works by the same author, alphabetize your list by the author's last name, and then the title of the book. If the title starts with a number, alphabetize your list as though the number is spelled out: Orwell, George.

What number would come first if all the numbers are arranged alphabetically?

Eight comes first if all the numbers are arranged alphabetically.

What is the number from 1 100 riddle?

The first number with an A in it, is 101: one hundred and one. Language purists might say that this is not correct as the word and is not a number, and therefore the first number is actually 1000: one thousand.

Which word comes last in alphabetical order?

If one word has no more letters to compare while the other does, then the first (shorter) word comes first in alphabetical order. Names are often written with the last names first. Numbers can be sorted in two ways. Sometimes, they are listed in order from smallest to largest.