Are Labradors easy to train?

Are Labradors easy to train?

Labradors are known to be family-friendly, gentle dogs who are easy to train. They come in three colors: black, chocolate and yellow. Labradors are high-energy animals, especially since their breed was developed to work, hunt, and run all day.

Are Labradors good for first time owners?

The Labrador Retriever is especially suited to active families seeking a medium- to large-sized dog. The Lab possesses several great traits that make her an excellent choice for first time owners. Coupled with their natural “team-player” demeanor, Labs are typically very easy to train.

What age do Labradors calm down?

Some Labs calm down around 2-3 years of age, (most) others just keep being active right into their mature years!

Can a labrador be left alone?

it is not recommended to leave a Labrador alone for many hours. Labradors don't have the habit of living alone. They need play and exercise to stay active and Healthy. If you don't have time for your Labrador, then it is better to have someone else near your dog, may be your friends or family members.