Common questions

Why does accelerator have a crutch?

Why does accelerator have a crutch?

The crutch allows for Accelerator to block specific wavelengths after successfully analyzing it and using the equipment of the crutch, an interference wavelength can be reverse-engineered to specifically block that wavelength.

How did Accelerator get crippled?

Accelerator is brought to a certain hospital where Heaven Canceller tells Yoshikawa that the bullet fragments in Accelerator’s skull have damaged his computation, mobility, and language abilities, effectively crippling him.

Is accelerator stronger than Touma?

Touma is stronger than Accelerator when it comes to their abilities. Of course, in series, they say Accelerator is the strongest esper, but that’s just it: he is the strongest ESPER. That means that he has the most powerful esper ability and therefore is the strongest in that regard.

Why does accelerator have a choker?

Accelerator has to rely on a choker-style electrode connected to the Misaka network. It also symbolizes Accelerator’s ironic fate as the one who once had taken away the lives of 10,031 Sisters but now has his life being supported by the remaining 9,970 that lived.

Does accelerator ever recover?

Yeah Accelerator never recovered his full calculation ability but hes far stronger now, with how he uses his ability, black and white wings gave him a boost aswell.

Is accelerator a villain?

Type of Villain He is the second protagonist of the Science Side in the A Certain Magical Index series. First appearing chronologically in A Certain Magical Index as the main antagonist of the “Sisters” arc, he later becomes the primary male protagonist of the Science Side after being defeated by Kamijou Touma.

Is Misaka Mikoto death?

Misaka 9982 in her final moments. Misaka 9982 dies clutching the gift Mikoto gave to her, she is killed by having a train carriage thrown at her by Accelerator to crush her.

Is accelerator a good guy?

Accelerator, the strongest level 5 in academy city, is considered an anti-hero more than anything. It is almost like Accelerator was trying to paint himself as a bad guy. After this Accelerator goes on a road of redemption, protecting the clones he was supposed to kill and even saving the world.

Can Misaka beat accelerator?

It’s extremely powerful from the looks of it. She might find a way to beat Accel in base but there is no way she would be able to beat him in his awakened form. Accel outclasses her not only in power but also calculating ability and overall intelligence.

Is accelerator a level 6?

According to Tree Diagram, only Accelerator can achieve Level 6. As such, it was later calculated that Accelerator can achieve Level 6 if he kills clones of Misaka Mikoto, known as Sisters, 20,000 times in battle.

Does accelerator become Level 6?

According to Tree Diagram, only Accelerator can achieve Level 6, and with the implementation of the current curriculum, he can achieve Level 6 in 250 years.

Is accelerator stronger than Misaka?

The answer is no. Misaka comes nowhere near the power level that Accelerator has. The only ones who believe that Misaka is more powerful are the Misaka die-hard fans who think she can probably beat a god.

Does accelerator become an angel?

In the last episode of season 3 of the anime A certain magical index, Accelerator who is an esper turned into an angel.

Who Shot accelerator?

After Accelerator is shot by Ao, he falls to the pavement.

Does accelerator have a weakness?

Weaknesses. The barrier for his redirection is not an absolute defense, as Kihara Amata has demonstrated. Since it only reverses the vectors that are coming towards him, any vector that comes towards his barrier and pulls away at the exact moment before hitting its field will go towards Accelerator.

Can accelerator beat Saitama?

Round 1: Probably Accelerator the only way Saitama could win is if he destroyed the planet and Accelerator can kill him with a single touch. Saitama can’t hurt him and the force of his own punches would take him down. Accelerator can still kill him with a single touch.

How did accelerator become an angel?

Accel when he was connected to the Misaka Network, caused him to gain control of AIM network and other forces beyond man. This boosted him towards the path of enlightenment (essentially level 6), as such he gained angel traits.

What level is accelerator?

Level 5

Why does accelerator protect Last Order?

Due to Last Order’s poor health, Accelerator is forced to protect her from multiple adversaries, including Misaka Worst. After Accelerator becomes too depressed about his inability to save Last Order and fought Touma because he “refused to help her,” he is defeated by Touma again.

Does accelerator have a love interest?

In Volume 22’s afterword the author states that what Accelerator wants most is not a lover but a family, and states Last Order is like his child he has to take care of. Misaka Worst stated that Accelerator is a tsundere while she made a brief comparison between him and Misaka Mikoto.

What is accelerators real name?

Suzushina Yuriko

Does Misaka Mikoto love Touma?

Mikoto had a crush on Touma for a long time but she realized that she had fallen in love with him near the end of the Acqua of the Back Arc. At the end of the Hawaiian Invasion Arc, Mikoto told Touma that she will bear his burdens with him and that he is not alone.

Is accelerator the strongest Esper?

The strongest of the level 5’s is called Accelerator. He’s the only known user of the rare “Accelerator” ability therefore he was named after this esper ability. The “Accelerator” ability is the strongest of all esper abilities.

Why can t Espers use magic?

All espers, including Level 0s, are unable to use magic without suffering severe backlash damage because of incompatibility issues.

Is Mugino stronger than Misaka?

After giving it some thought, Misaka wins for 2 reasons. Personality and diversity. In terms of raw power, they’re fairly similar. Mugino wins out in pure destructive power, with Meltdowner able to outperform Railgun by a significant margin.

Who is the 7th Level 5 Esper?


How strong is Misaka railgun?

Mikoto is the most powerful Electromaster in Academy City. Her maximum output is known to be 1 billion volts.

Can Misaki control accelerator?

She doesn’t need the remotes to use her power, but her power is so complex that she finds them useful in focusing that power into something usable. If her power is electromagnetic in nature, then Accelerator would have no problem blocking it, as long as his reflection is setup to.