Common questions

Why do urinals get blocked?

Why do urinals get blocked?

What are the Causes of a Blocked Urinal? Blockages in urinals are caused by the build up of scale in the urinal traps, drains or waste pipe work. This is produced by the deposition of dissolved salts that are present either alone in the water supply such as limescale or in combination with uric scale and salts.

What dissolves uric acid in urinals?

TALON URINAL CLEANER AND DESCALER Dissolves and removes uric acid deposits from urinal drains and traps. Designed to keep urinals open and free flowing and eliminate uric odors.

Does Drano work on urinals?

They contain ingredients chemicals that quickly dissolve hair, soap scum and gunk. You can use Drano® Clog Removers to unclog a kitchen sink, bathroom sink, shower or clogged bathtub, but DO NOT use them in toilets.

How do you unblock a man’s urinal?

Start simple by using a plunger on the urinal the same way you’d use one on a clogged toilet. If you aren’t having any luck, get a drain auger to snake the drain line and clear any blockages. If you need a heavy duty option, you can always use muriatic acid mixed with water to dissolve any blockages.

Can you leave Drano Max Gel overnight?

How long can I leave Drano Max Gel overnight? Wait at least 15 minutes after pouring this product down the drain before flushing with water. If you have an especially difficult clog, you can safely let the product sit overnight.

Can you use Drano to unclog an AC drain?

In theory Drano could unblock a clog but this is designed for food and grease, which you aren’t going to find in your AC drain pipes. So while Drano might work for this situation, I actually recommend against using it. Better to use bleach diluted 5 parts water to 1 part bleach.

How much does it cost to unclog AC drain?

AC Repair Cost by Type of Repair

Type of Repair Cost
Clogged air filter $75-$195
Blower $100-$150
Circuit board $100-$150
Clogged AC drain $100-$150

What happens if AC drain is clogged?

When your drain line clogs, the water that your air conditioner produces has nowhere to go. Likewise, sitting water or water vapor around your air conditioning unit could result in further corrosion or rust of metal parts that make contact with the water or are located near it.

How do you unclog a drain naturally?

Follow these easy steps to unclog your drain:

  1. Start by pouring a pot of boiling water down the drain.
  2. Next, pour a cup of baking soda and 1 cup water/1 cup vinegar solution.
  3. Cover with the drain plug and wait 5 to 10 minutes.
  4. Pour boiling water down the drain again.

Does vinegar unclog AC drains?

If it is clogged or a blockage is starting to build up, flush the pipe with distilled vinegar. You do that by pouring a 1/4 cup of distilled vinegar through the AC condensate drain line. We recommend distilled vinegar because its acidity clears the clog faster.

How do I know if my condensate pipe is clogged?

Signs that your condensate trap is blocked can include a faint gurgling noise coming from your boiler, or an unusual sound coming from the flue outside your home. If the trap does need to be cleaned, your heating engineer will remove it, rinse it out thoroughly, refill it and then refit it.

Should condensate trap be full of water?

These traps form a seal which prevents poisonous combustion gases passing out of the boiler along the condensate drain pipe. If the trap is removed for cleaning it should always be refilled with water when it is fitted, before running the boiler.

How much water should be coming out of a condensate pipe?

There will often be around 2-3 litres of condensate water produced in an hour if the boiler is operational. Typically, it is expelled in around 300ml bursts, so you may hear the water going through the pipe at intervals.

Where can I drain my condensate line?

In new homes, city codes require drain lines from the air conditioner’s condensate line which are often located in the attic to tie in or be plumbed to the home’s plumbing system. Typically, those 3/4″ pipes are plumbed into a bathroom sink’s drain that is on average 1-1/4″ or 1-1/2″ in diameter.

Does a condensate drain need a vent?

no vent. per se, is required on the condensate line itself, unlike sanitary drains, which must be vented to prevent siphonage at the traps and possible collaspe of the sewer pipe due to possible negative pressures created when no vent is present.

Can condensate drain to ground?

Both air conditioning condensate and refrigeration condensate are on the list of allowable discharges, provided that such water is distilled pure water taken from the atmosphere. However, any cleaning water or washwater can not be discharged to the ground, but must be captured for disposal in the sanitary sewer system.

How often should you pour bleach in your AC?

Using Bleach in Your AC Drain Simply open up the drain line clean out or T on your inside unit and pour a 50/50 warm water and bleach mixture OR warm water and vinegar solution through the line. Be sure to use a minimum of 2 cups once or twice per year.

Can bleach damage PVC pipes?

Bleach is a powerful, toxic substance that should be used carefully and properly, and pouring it down a drain is not a proper use. Bleach can react with other substances in your pipes, potentially release fumes, and further plug up the system. Pouring bleach down them will do much more harm than good.

How do you keep a condensate drain from clogging?

Preventing clogs is simple: Every spring (before the cooling season), pour a cup of bleach down your condensate drain from the inside. This will prevent mildew and algae from being able to grow in the first place.

Is it safe to pour bleach down AC drain?

Unclogging a Condensate Drain Line. Over time, algae, mold and mildew can build up inside the condensate drain line and form a clog. Just pour a cup of bleach in the drain line’s access opening near the indoor air conditioning unit. This will kill any algae, mold or mildew that has formed in the pipe.

Will bleach unclog a drain?

Although you can use 1/5 to 3/4 of a cup of bleach to clean and deodorize drains, followed by a good flushing of hot water, it will not clear a clog. Bleach is amazing at sanitizing and killing germs, but it won’t eat through hair and soap scum that’s trapped in the pipes and causing a clog.

How long should you leave bleach in a drain?

Carefully pour some bleach into a cup and dump it down your bathtub or shower drain. Let it sit for about 15 minutes and then flush the drain with hot water. Don’t leave the bleach much longer than that, or it may corrode your pipes.

How much vinegar does it take to pour down an AC drain?

By pouring a ¼ cup of vinegar into your AC’s drain line, you will kill any mold, algae, mildew, and other forms of bacteria or fungi, preventing it from forming a buildup and causing a clog. Repeat this monthly for the best results.

Is bleach or vinegar better for AC drain line?

We recommend using vinegar instead of a bleach solution because bleach can be harmful to your AC system if your drain line has copper tubing. Using vinegar will not damage your system. Spilling bleach can also ruin carpet or clothing, whereas vinegar will just leave a strong odor.

How do you clean a clogged AC condenser?

Use Suction Improve the power of the suction by placing your hand around the pipe’s opening. If you hear something move through the pipe and into the canister, you have probably cleared the clog. You can also try using a small drain snake or surgical tubing within the pipe to clear the blockage.