Common questions

Who were the Oneiroi?

Who were the Oneiroi?

THE ONEIROI were the dark-winged spirits (daimones) of dreams which emerged each night like a flock of bats from their cavernous home in Erebos–the land of eternal darkness beyond the rising sun. The Oneiroi passed through one of two gates (pylai).

What is Phobetor the god of?

Phobetor. Phobetor, also known as Icelus, was one of the Oneiroi, the personifications of dreaming. He is also the triplet brother of Morpheus, the god of dreams, and Phantasos the god of surreal dreams or fantasy. Phobetor is the son of Nyx, the primordial goddess of the Night, with Erebus, the embodiment of Darkness.

Who is Morpheus brother?


Who is the god of imagination?

Hypnos is the son of Nyx (“The Night”) and Erebus (“The Darkness”). His brother is Thanatos (“Death”).

Who is the laziest Greek god?


Who is the goddess of laughter?


What is the problem in Pandora’s Box?

The term Pandora’s box typically refers to something that is best left alone because it could cause problems if it is used, said, or done. The story of Pandora’s box is a legend used by ancient Greeks to explain not only human weakness, but also how pain and suffering were first inflicted on the human race.

Who did Pandora marry?


What is the central theme of Prometheus and Pandora’s Box?

At its core, the myth of Prometheus and Pandora is an attempt to explain how suffering first entered the world. It just goes to show you that people have been struggling with this question forever….

Why was Pandora’s box created?

Pandora was created as a punishment to the mankind; Zeus wanted to punish people because Prometheus stole the fire to give it to them. Her gifts were beautifully evil, according to Hesiod. Hephaestus created her from clay, shaping her perfectly, Aphrodite gave her femininity and Athena taught her crafts.

What was Pandora’s symbol?

Pandora’s box The box is not only a gift from Zeus, but also a tool for his revenge. It symbolized a source of trouble, curiosity, and the unknown future. Pandora’s action of opening the story means the start of trouble. She released all the illness, disease, bitterness and all the misfortune.

Who is Pandora’s husband?

Who are Pandora’s parents?

The parents of Pandora were Hephaestus and Athena.

What color was Pandora’s box?


Who painted Pandora’s box?

René Magritte

Why did Zeus want revenge against the humans?

Zeus was enraged that man again had fire. He decided to inflict a terrable punishment on both man and Prometheus. To punish man, Zeus had Hephaestus create a mortal of stunning beauty. The gods gave the mortal many gifts of wealth.