Common questions

Who says Awshucks?

Who says Awshucks?

1960s tv character who says aw, shucks
1960s TV character who says “Aw, shucks”
1960s TV character who often said “Surprise, surprise, surprise!”

Why is modesty so attractive?

Modesty is freeing, it is empowering, and it is infinitely more valuable and beautiful than the world’s definition of what makes an attractive woman or man. This is because modesty is tied so closely with love. Living and dressing modestly is one way we love our neighbor and honor God.

How do I talk to my daughter about revealing clothes?

These are a few tips I’ve picked up.

  1. 1Talk about context. There’s a time and a place for certain kinds of clothing.
  2. 2Be honest. If our daughters are confident enough in their bodies to wear what they like, that’s a wonderful thing.
  3. 3Go shopping together.
  4. 4Be sensitive.
  5. 5Let some things go.

Why are crop tops inappropriate?

Parents of girls often prohibit crop tops and other revealing attire because of modesty standards or school dress codes. Self-esteem can take a nose-dive for girls this age. It would be great if you could allow your daughter room to feel good in her skin wearing what feels most comfortable to her.

Can I wear shorts in front of my dad?

There is nothing wrong with wearing shorts in general, but if anything makes you uncomfortable, then don’t do it. There isn’t much you can do about your father’s reaction/behavior, but you can control what you do that sets him off if that’s what is happening.

How do I talk to my daughter about her body?

Encourage your daughter to trust her body and to listen to it (i.e., if she gets a stomachache before a test, talk to her about how her body is telling her something). Again, don’t shame their bodies. Talk about what messages they want to portray about themselves by the way they dress and appear.

What are the physical changes of a girl?

During puberty, it’s normal to experience the following changes:

  • Growing taller. You’ll get taller, and this might happen quite quickly.
  • Breasts and hips get bigger. Your breasts and hips get bigger.
  • Hair grows on your body.
  • Periods start.
  • Vaginal discharge begins.
  • Spots and sweat appear.
  • Feelings go up and down.

How do I make my daughter feel beautiful?

I wanted to be smart and strong. But, no one ever told me that I was smart or strong. I only ever got compliments on my beauty….5 Ways to Build Your Daughter’s Confidence:

  1. Back her up. Let her know you are there, whether she is up or down.
  2. Listen more than you talk.
  3. Encourage passion.
  4. Let her cry.
  5. A unique beauty.

Should you tell your daughter she’s beautiful?

There’s a trend in parenting to compliment our children’s abilities rather than their appearance. A recent Daily Telegraph article states, “Parents should stop telling their children they look beautiful because it places too much emphasis on appearance and can lead to body confidence issues later in life.”

Why do mothers fight with daughters?

For some mothers and daughters, change is embraced as a challenge. But today, mothers and daughters have to navigate their different lives, opportunities, and views about being female, and for some mothers and daughters this causes conflict, as they fight over who is right and who is wrong.