Who is Billy Deel in the glass castle?
Who is Billy Deel in the glass castle?
A boy named Billy Deel moves to Battle Mountain. He is known to be a juvenile delinquent and develops a crush on Jeannette. One day, he invites Jeannette into his house to look at his father, who has passed out on a mattress with his genitals hanging out and his jeans soaked with urine.
Who is Billy Deal?
Billy Deel moved into battle mountain about a year after Jeanette and her family had been living there. He was tall with a blond crew cut and blue eyes. He was also a juvenile delinquent and had been known to kill animals, vandalize and steal.
What does Lori get when they move to Phoenix?
After receiving her new sight, Lori decides that she will become an artist like her mother. In Phoenix Rex gets a job as an electrician and joins the union. The influx of money brings new amenities to the Walls home including bicycles for the children, telephones, a washing machine, and a record player.
How did Grandma Smith die?
Mom’s answer, “There didn’t seem to be any point.” Grandma had died of leukemia, but Mom thinks it was radioactive poisoning. She goes on to tell the children, “There’s no reason to grieve.
Why did Rose Mary hate being a teacher?
While she’s there, she applies for a teaching job and is hired immediately. Even though her students like her so much, Mom hates teaching. She hates it, because her own mother had forced her into the profession as a fallback job, which always makes her think her mother didn’t believe she had any artistic ability.
Why was Brian found throwing up behind the walls house one day?
Why was Brian throwing up behind the Walls house one day? He stole a jar of pickles so the neighbor forced him to eat the whole entire jar. You just studied 30 terms!
What sickness puts Rex in the hospital?
That spring Dad comes down with tuberculosis and is hospitalized.
What happened to Lori walls?
Lori remains close to Rose Mary, Walls said, though she lives in Manhattan, where she works at a law firm to support herself as an artist.
Why does Jeannette get so upset when Billy Deel compares his drunk and gross Father to Jeannette’s?
Because he said, “ your daddy ain’t nothing but a drunk like mine.” this made Jeannette very angry and she hated Billy. Their relationships with their dads vary because they both drunk and don’t have money.
Why does Jeannette refuse to invite her father to her graduation?
Why does Jeannette refuse to invite her father to her graduation? She was scared he would show up drunk.
Why does Rose Mary say the children’s incident with Billy Deel was a blessing in disguise?
She says the children’s fight with Billy Deel was actually a blessing in disguise because moving to Phoenix will help her art career.
How does mom feel about Lori needing glasses?
At first, Mom refuses to let her get glasses as she believes glasses are like crutches and just weaken the eyes. However, the school provides free glasses for Lori. She is stunned by what she can see and hurt by all the years she spent looking at a fuzzy world, certain everyone else saw it that way.
What does Lori walls do for a living?
From an early age, she decides she wants to be an artist, and as the first of the siblings to move to New York, she pursues this dream by working at a German restaurant in the city to save up money. Then she becomes an illustrator.
Why is Maureen attracted to Pentecostalism?
Why is Maureen attracted to Pentecostalism? Maureen is attracted to Pentecostalism because they treated her as one of their children.
How did Rose Mary react to her mother’s death?
She is just sad and lonely, and it infuriated her that her mom kicked her out instead of comforting her. It made her even more angry because the mom said that she should be self sufficient when the parents aren’t self sufficient themselves.
How does Erma die?
Erma Wells dies that winter. Rose Mary believes that her alcoholism was responsible for her death and consequently defines her death as suicide.
Why do the parents side against Jeannette?
Why do the parents side against Jeannette? They probably feel offended that Jeanette thinks they are bad parents. She does not know what she wants and does not want to be living with her parents in Welch.
Why do Erma and Lori get into a fight?
While they were gone Erma touched Bran inappropriately, Jeannette and Lori got into a verbal fight with her, that ended up in slapping. Erma told the kids to stay in the basement, and they weren’t allowed to leave the basement until their parents returned. Rex was extremely upset with the kids.
Why don T Rex and Rose Mary take the kids side against Erma What does this suggest about Rex’s childhood with Erma?
Why don’t Rex and Rose Mary take the kids’ side against Erma? What does this suggest about Rex’s childhood with Erma? They are living and Ermas house and have nowhere else to go. This suggests that Rex had to listen to whatever Erma said.
What did Jeannette learn about working at Ginnie Sue’s house?
What did Jeannette learn about whoring at Ginnie Sue’s house? It was gross and never fun.
How do Rose Mary and Rex react to the children’s story about the incident between Erma and Brian?
How do Rosemary and Rex react to the children”s story about the incident between Erma and Brian? They side with Erma, saying the children should have behaved better. For what purpose do Jeannette and Brian start digging a large hole in the backyard? They want to help Rex build the foundation for the glass castle.
Why was Jeannette so angry after the child welfare man left?
What did Jeannette learn about whoring at Ginnie Sue’s house? Why was Jeannette so angry after the child-welfare man left? Because she was afraid her family would be split up. What was Rose Mary’s reaction to the visit from the child-welfare man?
What does Lori say after Erma’s death?
After the funeral, Lori says “Ding dong the witch is dead,” causing Dad to lose his temper and run away for four days. Erma’s house burns down that same winter because Uncle Stanley fell asleep with a cigarette in his hand.
What type of punishment does Rex give Jeannette that finally shows her where his true loyalty lies?
What type of punishment does Rex give Jeannette that finally shows her where his true loyalty lies? He takes off his belt and gives her a whipping.
Why does Rex manage to stay sober when he is living upstate?
Why does Rex manage to stay sober when he is living upstate? why doesn’t he stay there and remain sober? He enjoyed the job he had. He wasn’t stressed and he was in the country which is his favorite place to live.
Why did Jeannette leave Eric?
She moves in with Mom and Dad after high school, unable to care for herself. Dad’s death forces Jeannette to examine her life and she eventually leaves Eric and moves away from Park Avenue to the West Side. With Dad’s death, Jeannette comes to terms with both her relationship to her father and her sense of self.
When Rex and Rose Mary get kicked out of their six story flophouse it is because?
When Rex and Rosemary get kicked out of their six story flophouse it is because… Rex set their room on fire by falling asleep with a burning cigarette in his hand.
How does Jeannette feel about her parents being homeless?
Jeannette feels ambivalent about her parents. Part of her wants to help them while part of her just wants to wash her hands of them. She has always been generous, helping the homeless with handouts of change, until one day a friend at Barnard tells her not to give them money, because they are all scam artists.
Was Jeannette Walls homeless?
Walls’ family life was rootless, with the family shuttling from Phoenix to California (including a brief stay in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco), to Battle Mountain, Nevada, and to Welch, West Virginia, with periods of homelessness. Jeannette finished high school in New York City.
Why does Jeannette enjoy staying in the hospital?
Why does Jeannette enjoy staying in the hospital? Because it is quiet and not chaotic.