Common questions

Who can go through the green glass door?

Who can go through the green glass door?

Here it is: any word that is spelled with a double letter can go through the green glass doors, but any word that isn’t spelled with a double letter can’t (get the title of the game now?).

What is the rule for the green glass door?

If a player tries to take an object through the Green Glass Door that does not have a double letter, say: “You cannot take that through the Green Glass Door.” The main person would name something that cannot go under his umbrella and then something that can go under it.

Who has the ball riddle?

Students will automatically respond with whoever was mentioned last in the prompt, or try to make their own formulas (i.e. the person sitting two seats down from the third person mentioned etc.) However, the correct answer is the person who speaks first after you ask the question is the one who has the ball!

How do you play pass the ball game?


  1. Students and you stand or sit in a circle.
  2. Pass the ball to the person next to you in the circle and pretend the ball is really heavy by miming.
  3. Tell the person next to you that it’s really, really heavy.
  4. They continue passing the ball around the circle making out it’s heavy.

What can you play with a ball?

8 Summer Games to Play with a Ball

  • Kick the Can. In this childhood classic, the goal is to kick an object (in this case, a ball) placed in the middle of a yard.
  • Ball Tag.
  • Dizzy Kickball.
  • 500.
  • Hot Potato Hide-and-Seek.
  • Bowling Pins.
  • Battleship.
  • Keep the Ball.

What is the skill of pass the ball?

The purpose of passing is to keep possession of the ball by manoeuvring it on the ground between different players with the objective of advancing it up the playing field. The skill of dribbling the ball is seen much less in modern football matches than in the first half of the twentieth century.

What does pass the ball mean?

Passing is a common technique in sports that use balls and pucks. A pass consists of an intentional transfer of the ball from one player to another of the same team. In that case, the last two teammates (not including the goal scorer) to touch the puck before the goal is scored would be credited with an assist.

Why do we say pass the buck?

Truman, who kept a sign with that phrase on his desk in the Oval Office. The phrase refers to the notion that the President has to make the decisions and accept the ultimate responsibility for those decisions. Truman received the sign as a gift from a prison warden who was also an avid poker player.

Is it past weekend or passed weekend?

Passed is the past tense of pass. It can not be used as an adjective or adverb. It is a verb. Only this past week is grammatical since past is an adverb of time which refers to the past.

What does pass up mean?

: to let go by without accepting or taking advantage of pass up a chance for promotion also : decline, reject.

What does hard pass mean slang?

: a firm refusal or rejection of something (such as an offer) Then poor Gendry asks Arya to be his lady, but Arya gives him a hard pass.—

What does pass mean in slang?

Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep

Will pass by meaning?

intransitive/transitive (pass by someone/something) to go past. Three buses passed by, but none of them was the right one. I was just passing by her house, so I thought I’d call in and see her. A car slowly passed by the front of the house.

What’s the meaning of this too shall pass?

phrase Nothing, good or bad, lasts forever. Used to indicate that a current situation or event, no matter how wonderful or horrible it is, will not last forever.

What is the meaning of stop by?

informal. : to visit someone briefly Feel free to stop by anytime.

What’s a fancy word for stop?

What is another word for stop?

end halt
turn back deactivate
put the kibosh on hold up
break off quit
close drop

What is the meaning of Bye for now?

“Goodbye for now” means you expect to see the person again in the future. The speaker is indicating a temporary parting; you will meet again, presumably. Goodbye in itself means that you don’t expect to see that person again.

Will fly by meaning?

1. verb To pass (someone or something) by flying. verb To pass or go by swiftly, as a period of time. …

What does I’m fly mean?

This is a slang term that I’ve heard in the late 80’s/early 90’s and it means “good looking” or “really good.” I believe it was prevalent throughout that time period among the young in the U.S. at least, but is not so much anymore. Anytime I hear this I think late 80’s/early 90’s American rap/hip-hop music.

Are you all set to go?

Prepared, ready, or primed to begin or complete a task at hand. It has taken months to get everything ready, but I think we’re finally all set to go on the merger deal tomorrow.

What does fly by wire mean?

Fly-by-wire (FBW) systems are semi-automatic, computer-regulated aircraft flight control systems that replace mechanical flight controls with an electronic interface. Their “hands on” design gives pilots a direct, tactile feel for how the aircraft is handling aerodynamic forces as they fly.

What happens if Fly-By-Wire fails?

In case of electrical failure, as long as hydraulics are OK, the pilot should be able to control the aircraft. Some fly-by-wire aircrafts are unstable by design. In these cases, any power loss will lead to loss of control and crash.

What does the phrase fly by night mean?

1 : one that seeks to evade responsibilities and especially creditors by flight. 2 : one without established reputation or standing especially : a shaky business enterprise. fly-by-night. adjective.