Common questions

Who are the original Waterbenders?

Who are the original Waterbenders?

The sky bison were the original airbenders, the dragons were the original firebenders, the badger moles were the original earthbenders, and the Moon spirit was the first waterbender.

What are water tribe names based on?

The two tribes’ names are heavily influenced by Inuit and Yupik cultures, though influences from Asian cultures exist too as they’re found throughout the Avatar universe.

Which benders are most powerful?

Avatar: The 15 Most Powerful Benders

  1. 1 Aang. And last but not least, Aang, quite possibly the greatest Avatar (and greatest bender) to have ever lived.
  2. 2 Firelord Ozai.
  3. 3 Korra.
  4. 4 Wan.
  5. 5 Iroh.
  6. 6 Toph.
  7. 7 Katara.
  8. 8 Zaheer.

What was Katara’s original name?

Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Full name Katara
Alias Kat The Painted Lady Sapphire Fire June Pippinpaddleopsicopolis
Nickname Sweetie (by Aang) Miss Know-it-All, Queen of the Twigs (by Sokka) Floozy (by Meng) Sugar Queen, Sweetness (by Toph)
Species Human

Who is Zukos daughters Mom?

Izumi is the current Fire Lord of the Fire Nation, granddaughter of Ozai and Ursa, daughter of Lord Zuko, niece of Azula and Kiyi, and mother of General Iroh. She ascended the throne in 167 AG following her father’s abdication.

Who is the mother of Zuko’s child?

Weapon Dao
Family Ozai (father) Ursa (mother) Iroh (paternal uncle/adoptive father) Azula (younger sister) Kiyi (maternal half-sister)
Significant other Mai (girlfriend; formerly), Jin (formerly)
Children Izumi (daughter)

Who is Sokka’s kid?

So to put it in short Sokka married Suki, had two kids Tonraq and Unaloq, then Tonraq married Senna and had Korra, while Unaloq inherited the position of chief, married Malina and had two kids Desna and Eska.

Who was Sokka’s first kiss?


Does Princess Yue die?

Yue (voiced by Johanna Braddy (1987 – )) is a major character in Avatar: The Last Airbender. She is the princess of the Northern Water Tribe and became the spirit of the Moon. She died sacrificing herself to replace the previous spirit of the Moon, Tui, who was killed by Admiral Zhao.

Is Yue related to Korra?

So when Yue left this world, her father would have had to pass the chieftanship to one of his nephews or something, one of Yue’s cousins. This man would have been Tonraq’s father, Korra’s grandfather, which makes Yue and Korra first cousins twice removed. Korra is a distant cousin OF THE MOON.