Which city is located at 21N and 158W?

Which city is located at 21N and 158W?


Which city is located at 21 N 158 W in the US?


Which city is located 21 degrees north and 158 degrees west?

Honolulu, HI

How many miles are in a degree latitude?

69 miles

Which state does 60 degrees north latitude pass through?


What are the winds called below the latitude 60 degrees south?

Polar Easterlies: From 60-90 degrees latitude. Prevailing Westerlies: From 30-60 degrees latitude (aka Westerlies). Tropical Easterlies: From 0-30 degrees latitude (aka Trade Winds).

How is 90 degrees north latitude different from 90 degrees south?

These lines are known as parallels. Each parallel measures one degree north or south of the Equator, with 90 degrees north of the Equator and 90 degrees south of the Equator. The latitude of the North Pole is 90 degrees N, and the latitude of the South Pole is 90 degrees S.

Which country covers the maximum latitude?

List of countries by latitude

Latitude Locations
30° S South Africa; Lesotho; southern Australia; Chile; Argentina; Southern Brazil
45° S New Zealand; Chile; Argentina
60° S entirely ocean (slightly north of the South Orkney Islands); sometimes considered the northern boundary of the Southern Ocean
75° S Dome C, Antarctica

Which is the longest latitude?


Is Japan on the same latitude as UK?

Is Japan not in similar latitude as uk? Nope, Japan (not counting the disputed islands with Russia) is a good deal south compared to the UK – Sapporo in Northern Japan is as far south as Vladivostok, in fact they are located about 300 miles apart – seperated by the Sea of Japan.

Has it ever snowed on the equator?

The mountain itself poses almost no altitude limits – Cayambe, a volcano in Ecuador reaches to 5,790 meters. It is not even as high as some of its neighbours in Ecuador. But Cayambe is the only place on the equator that has snow.

Does the equator have 12 hours of sunlight?

For all practical purposes, the length of day and night for any location on the equator is constant throughout the year at about 12 hours.

How much sunlight do we need a day?

Regular sun exposure is the most natural way to get enough vitamin D. To maintain healthy blood levels, aim to get 10–30 minutes of midday sunlight, several times per week. People with darker skin may need a little more than this.

How long is it dark in Sweden?

20 hours

Is Sweden colder than Canada?

On average, Canada is colder than Sweden and also has the lowest temperature recorded compared to Sweden. Some places in Sweden are colder than some places in Canada, and vice versa.

Is Sweden very cold?

Although the Swedish winters seem cold and dark, the long summer days are well worth the wait. Winter, as you might expect, is dark and cold across most of the country. In midwinter there’s no daylight at all north of the Arctic Circle.

What is the coldest month in Sweden?


What is the warmest city in Sweden?


Which city is located at 21n and 158w?

Which city is located at 21n and 158w?

The title of the album is the exact coordinates to the Honolulu Daniel K. Inouye International Airport.

What place is 21 N 158 W?

Honolulu is located near 21° North and 158° West.

Which city is located at 21 degrees north and 158 degrees west?

Honolulu, HI, USA.

What city is at 56n and 38e?

What city is 25n 55e?

Name : 25n 55e
State : Dubai
District : NA
Locality : Dubai
Sub-Locality : Mina Jebel Ali

What city is located at 23 s and 43 W?

GPS coordinates of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Latitude: -22.9032 Longitude: -43.1729.

What state capital is located on 158 degrees west longitude?

The largest community, Honolulu, is the state capital. The image is located at 21.5 degrees north latitude and 158 degrees west longitude. Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) is one of five Earth-observing instruments launched December 18, 1999, on NASA’s Terra satellite.

What is Honolulu Hawaii relative location to Anchorage?

Honolulu is located nearly north side to Anchorage.

What city is 12 South and 77 West?

Lima is a city of 7 million. It is divided into what are called districts, each of which has a name, such as San Isidro, La Molina or Miraflores.

What is the longitude and latitude of Moscow Russia?

55.7558° N, 37.6173° E

What city is 34 degrees south and 151 degrees east?

The area has been widely used for dumping of tires, cars, paint cans, and other equipment. Sydney is one of the world’s most beautiful cities, so it’s sad that the one Degree Confluence Point that lies within greater Sydney should be so ugly.

What city is located at 60 * N 25 * e?

It is extremely rare that from this location both the Northern and southern shore of the Guld of Finland can be seen. Helsinki is a town which hides itself from the sea. Not much can be seen, but the Estonian coast was well visible.