Common questions

Where do I get Quicksilver ingot?

Where do I get Quicksilver ingot?

Mining Locations Quicksilver can be mined right outside Whiterun’s city walls. In the northeastern corner, there is an ore deposit right outside a “storage cubby” built in the wall. There’s a Quicksilver mine in Dawnstar just west of the main city. It’s near the ship that’s docked in the bay.

Can you buy Quicksilver?

Quicksilver Ore can be purchased from Blacksmith merchants or found: Early in the game, there are several places quicksilver can be mined very near to Whiterun: 2 veins southwest of Shimmermist Cave, northeast of Whiterun, northwest of Graywinter Watch, north from where the river pools.

How do you get quicksilver in Skyrim?

Quicksilver ore can be made from quicksilver ingots at a smelter. If you are at the quicksilver mine in Dawnstar you can find a smelter to the left of the entrance of the mine. Two quicksilver ore make a quicksilver ingot.

Where do I get ebony ingots?


  • Blacksmiths typically sell ingots and ore at level 27.
  • Aside from randomly placed veins throughout Skyrim, only two ebony mines exist in Skyrim: Gloombound Mine and Redbelly Mine.
  • Two ebony ingots can be found within the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon.

What level can you buy ebony ingots?

Ebony ingots may be sold by blacksmiths starting at level 27 and general goods merchants starting at level 14. Ebony ore may be randomly found in Falmer loot starting at level 13.

Does dual casting give more experience?

no, you get the same amount of XP. if you want to level faster, you have to cast with both hands, separate spells. It’s easier to do if you don’t ickup the dual casting perk, but otherwise, just start casting with a difference, like click left, then half a second later right. no, you get the same amount of XP.

What does dual casting alteration do?

Dual casting an Alteration spell overcharges the effects into an even more powerful version.

How do you get master level illusion spells?

To unlock Master Illusion spells, the “Illusion Ritual Spell” quest must be completed upon reaching level 100 Illusion. Targets have improved combat skills, health, and stamina for 10 minutes. Creatures and people up to level 25 nearby won’t fight for 60 seconds.