Common questions

Where can I find Mareep?

Where can I find Mareep?

Mareep is most often found in grassy fields, though it can also be found in farms where its wool is used in high-quality clothing.

Is Ampharos a good Pokemon?

Ampharos is a good Electric type Pokémon in Pokémon GO, but still far from Raikou or Zapdos. It is just weak to Ground type attacks and resists Electric, Flying and Steel type moves. Although there are plenty of better gym defenders, Ampharos is still is one of the best Electric type Pokémon to place in a gym.

Can you get Mareep in sword and shield?

Gliscar started as one of the lesser-obtained Pokémon when it was introduced in Gold and Silver. Still, it wasn’t enough for Game Freak since Gliscor cannot be added to Sword and Shield.

Why is darkrai not in sword and shield?

Sadly, Darkrai is not available in Pokémon Sword and Shield because they were not able to make it’s 3d model for the switch. This means you can’t trade it from previous games as well as it will not show up or break the game.

Can legendary Pokemon dynamax?

Thankfully, trainers can also catch nearly every past Legendary because of Dynamax Adventures. Dynamax Adventures are an underground challenge where trainers get to fight through 4 Max Raid Battles with the last battle against a Legendary Pokemon.

Can I dynamax Zacian?

Zacian, Zamazenta, and Eternatus can’t turn Dynamax. The reason is their moves Behemoth Blade/Bash and Dynamax Cannon are moves that doubles their power when the opponent is Dynamaxed.

Is Inteleon faster than Cinderace?

Inteleon is also a trolly 1 base speed point higher than Cinderace.

How good is Cinderace?

Cinderace is an overall very strong Pokemon with good attack and a high speed stat, with access to a lot of really great moves. It also has an excellent Hidden Ability, which is unfortunately not obtainable yet.

Who is better Cinderace or Inteleon?

All of these starters have abilities wherein if they are below 1/3 HP, their Type-based moves do more damage. This means that if a Cinderace is below 1/3 HP, its Fire-Type moves will be increased. When looking at it from this aspect, Inteleon is the clear winner.

Is Cinderace a boy or girl?


Cinderace エースバーン
Gender Ratio
Male: 87.5% Female: 12.5%
Evolves From Evolves Into
Raboot None