Common questions

Where can I find Ages of Might Potion?

Where can I find Ages of Might Potion?

Ages of Might potions can be found in the following locations:

  • Bowerstone South: Found in a cabinet upstairs in the house across the street from the barber shop.
  • Twinblade’s Elite Camp: Found in a barrel.
  • Knothole Glade: possible reward for matching your high score in the Archery Competition.

How do I get the sword out of the stone in fable?

In order to remove the sword from its stone, your Hero must have upgraded physique, health, and toughness attributes. Specifically, after your first attempt to remove the sword, you must upgrade physique by 5, health by 2, and toughness by 3.

What do you get for donating to the Temple of Avo in fable?

Giving 100 gold will give 15 points to a good character. Giving 1000 gold will give 100+ points to a good character. Giving 3000 gold will give 170+ points to a good character. Giving 50,000+ gold will take 4-10 years off your age.

How do you steal in Fable anniversary?

Answers. You must first get the skill through upgrading your guile to level three (I think it’s level three), then after that, you go to a shop, find the item you would like to steal, and hold down the steal button.

Can you steal in Fable 3?

User Info: Dark_Apostate. You can only steal from a store when the shop keeper isn’t around. Other than that, you have the time to grab about one thing before a soldier shows up. You can also pilfer from homes, chests and the like, and will get an eye indicator as to whether you are being observed.

Do you have to kill Twinblade?

If you didn’t kill Twinblade, you are jeered by the Bandits while exiting out of the camp. During the fight, you can’t kill the Bandits because they attack you first, giving you no chance to counter-attack. If you spare Twinblade, you can attack the Bandits and Twinblade won’t attack you.

How do you get into the Twinblade party?

You can hire three assassins in black (southern part of the map) to form a diversion that will attract the guards or kill the bandit guarding the female slaves (south-eastern corner of the map) and release them. The effect will be identical: you’ll be able to get into Twinblade’s Tent.

How do you sneak in fable?

You press and hold the joy stick that moves the character. In order to make ur character more slowly and stealthy.

How do you get into Twinblade’s tent?

Using your mini map, see the far left green objective markers, one is moving to and from the other marker. If you got there, you will find two women trapped in a cage. Kill the guard to get the key and then free the women who will create a deversion that will gain you entry into Twinblade’s Tent.

Where is the bandit camp in fable?

The Bandit Camp is an area just off Oakvale’s beach. It consists of four areas: Abandoned Road, Twinblade’s Camp, Twinblade’s Elite Camp and Twinblade’s Tent. The main area is Twinblade’s Camp.

What is a twin blade?

The Honda Twin Blade Advantage involves a unique, two-blade cutting system that passes over the grass two times. The first blade uses a unique, upward motion that forces grass to stand tall as a first cut is made. Another key feature of the twin-blade system is the better bagging performance of Honda’s mowers.

How do you kill Twinblade?

Twinblade is invincible from the front, and so must be struck from behind. He will unleash hard hitting attacks that can’t be blocked (rolling is the most effective method of avoiding his lunges).