Common questions

Whats does convenient mean?

Whats does convenient mean?

suited to personal comfort

How do you use convenient in a sentence?

  1. When is it convenient for you?
  2. Unfortunately, it’s not convenient for me today.
  3. Our local shop has very convenient opening hours.
  4. You’ll find these meals quick and convenient to prepare.
  5. I find the new system much more convenient.
  6. Fruit is a convenient source of vitamins and energy.

What does convenient time mean?

A convenient time to do something, for example to meet someone, is a time when you are free to do it or would like to do it. She will try to arrange a mutually convenient time and place for an interview.

Do you say convenient to you or convenient for you?

Hi friends, “convenient to you” or “co. “convenient for you” is correct.

When you are convenient meaning?

suitable or agreeable to the needs or purpose; well-suited with respect to facility or ease in use; favorable, easy, or comfortable for use. at hand; easily accessible: Their house is convenient to all transportation. Obsolete.

Do you say convenient to or convenient for?

While the phrase convenient for you is much the more common of the two, it could be that convenient to you is more likely to be used with this second sense. Here are some examples from a quick search: Call the office most convenient to you. Choose a venue convenient to you.

Is it at your convenience?

No, saying “at your convenience” is generally understood to be a polite way of saying that you recognize that the other person is very busy, and so asking them to choose a time for a meeting instead of you selecting a time.

Is at your earliest convenience rude?

At my earliest convenience It comes across as inconsiderate, if not outright rude. If you do have time to honor a request, instead of saying you’ll get around to it when it’s convenient, tell the person when they can expect your response.

What is the difference between convenient and convenience?

“When will it be convenient for you to come over?” uses “convenient” to describe “it”, which is the situation or time. “Convenience” is the state of being convenient. One’s convenience is when they find something easier to do.

Can you please give me a call at your earliest convenience?

Both those requests are correct enough – asking someone to call ‘at your earliest convenience’ implies that your request is URGENT and you want them to call AS SOON AS THEY CAN. Only say ‘at your earliest convenience’ if you really need that person to call you back right away, as soon as they can.

How do you politely say ASAP?

Consider these alternatives:

  1. As soon as possible, or _____. Use this to say that something’s urgent, but can wait until a specific deadline if necessary.
  2. Promptly. This one can serve as a nudge by suggesting the recipient has been less than prompt.
  3. At your earliest convenience.
  4. Whenever you’re able.

Will get back to you at earliest?

It means that someone will get back to you with a message or some other contact as soon as they possibly can.

How do you use your earliest convenience?

at your earliest convenience in a sentence

  1. Please investigate and take action as deemed necessary, at your earliest convenience.
  2. And please return the book back to me at your earliest convenience.
  3. I would like to schedule a sit-down at your earliest convenience.
  4. Please call the doctor’s office at your earliest convenience .”

Is there a comma after at your earliest convenience?

The phrase is actually “*at* your (earliest) convenience”. In your sentence, it’s actually the “as well” that will need to be set apart to indicate a pause because it interrupts the train of thought, but in general, the phrase itself does not require a comma.

What does at the earliest convenience mean?

as soon as someone is able to do something. Please call me back at your earliest convenience.

Is at your earliest convenience?

I’m quite used to using the phrase “at your earliest convenience” to express urgency but also polite sensitivity to others’ schedules and deadlines. It means “Please do this as son as you can without dropping something else.”

How do you say no rush professionally?


  1. (there’s) no hurry. phrase.
  2. in your own (good) time. phrase.
  3. whoa. interjection.
  4. haste makes waste/more haste less speed. phrase.
  5. what’s the hurry? phrase.
  6. time is on your side. phrase.
  7. give someone/something a chance. phrase.
  8. in my/his/her etc hurry. phrase.

How do you say at your convenience?

“I am confident that I possess all the necessary qualifications for the position and am ready to meet with you at your convenience.”…What is another word for at your convenience?

at your leisure when convenient
at a convenient time in due course
in your own time whenever you like
when it suits you when you can
at a suitable time in a spare moment

What is another way to say as soon as possible?

What is another word for as soon as possible?

quickly immediately
directly soon
soon after promptly
early expeditiously
instantaneously momentarily

How do you say as soon as possible in a nice way?

Polite alternatives to “as soon as possible”

  1. Another wording: “As soon as you can.” A more polite way: “As soon as you can, please.” – J.R. May 27 ’12 at 10:48.
  2. It really depends on the context! –
  3. The phrase doesn’t seem rude to me, unless you use it that way.
  4. @Mari-LouA I would like something a little more formal, in a business email type sense.

Does ASAP mean immediately?

Everyone knows this means “as soon as possible”. But not everyone interprets this to mean the same thing. In my world, the term ASAP usually means “I need it now,” or, “As quickly as you can,” and sometimes even, “Drop everything you’re doing and do this right now.”

How do you say very soon?

other words for very soon

  1. at once.
  2. in a trice.
  3. in a wink.
  4. in an instance.
  5. momentarily.
  6. momently.
  7. right away.

What is pretty soon?

pretty soon adv (in the near future) muy pronto loc adv. Pretty soon, the days will be long and hot.

How long is near future?

There is no definitive time frame on what the near term is. Some may refer to the near term as anything less than a few months. A day trader may refer to the near term as the next five or 10 minutes.