Common questions

What words start with the prefix extra?

What words start with the prefix extra?

10-letter words that start with extra

  • extraction.
  • extraneous.
  • extractive.
  • extramural.
  • extralegal.
  • extracting.
  • extractors.
  • extradited.

What is the full meaning of extra?

1a : more than is due, usual, or necessary : additional extra work. b : subject to an additional charge dessert is extra. 2 : superior extra quality. extra. noun.

What does the prefix extra mean medical?

Prefix denoting outside, beyond, additional. Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M.

What is extra word?

The word extra can function as an adjective, noun or adverb and it can also be used as a prefix. As an adjective, it is used to describe something that is in addition to the usual or expected amount, as in ‘As an extra precaution, I turned off the electricity supply at the mains’.

Does benefactor have a prefix?

The Latin roots of benefactor are bene, which means “well,” and facere, which means “to do” — literally, “to do well.” A benefactor does well by supporting (usually financially) a person or a good cause.

What kind of word is extra?

What is the medical term for Osis?

Osis is defined as state, diseased condition or increase. An example of the -osis suffix is cirrhosis, meaning an organ, usually the liver, in a diseased state. An example of the -osis suffix is fibrosis, meaning an increase in fibrous tissue in an injured part of the body.

How do you use extra?

Extra sentence example

  1. We have an extra room.
  2. I didn’t have enough time to plan for the extra we need.
  3. Instead, she decided to use that extra hour to take a relaxing bath.
  4. You’ll find extra blankets in the entry closet if you need them.

Is Extra an insult?

Merriam-Webster defines extra as “more than is due, usual, or necessary, which is still the case for the slang term. However, the slang word extra has taken on a more specific, negative connotation, as used to describe a person. One Urban Dictionary entry defines extra as “doing the absolute most for no reason.”

What is the root word of additional?

additional (adj.) 1640s, “added, supplementary,” from addition + -al (1).

What does OSIS stand for?


Acronym Definition
OSIS Open Source Infrastructure Software
OSIS One-Stop Internet Shop (European Union)
OSIS Open Shops for Information Services
OSIS Open Specification for Information Sharing