Common questions

What was the point of the reservation?

What was the point of the reservation?

The main goals of Indian reservations were to bring Native Americans under U.S. government control, minimize conflict between Indians and settlers and encourage Native Americans to take on the ways of the white man.

Where can I watch reruns of Seinfeld?


Do you have to watch Seinfeld in order?

Seasons/Episodes You Can Skip: Unless you’re a completist, the first season and a half of Seinfeld is not essential viewing. Like any new show, everyone involved is trying to find their footing. Characters haven’t been properly molded (Kramer is especially peculiar in the first six episodes).

Is Seinfeld on Amazon Prime?

“Seinfeld” now steams on Disney’s Hulu domestically and on Amazon Prime internationally.

How can I watch all seasons of Seinfeld?

Since mid-1995, Hulu has been the only destination where the entire 172-episode run of Seinfeld can be watched free of charge.

Does Hulu have all seasons of Seinfeld?

All nine seasons of Seinfeld are currently available on Hulu as the result of a deal struck in 2015.

Does the Seinfeld cast get along?

However, Seinfeld definitely had something going on when the cameras were off — and sometimes even when the cameras were on. The entire cast of Seinfeld didn’t always get along, sometimes to the point of writing characters off the show so that others wouldn’t have to deal with them.

How much do the cast of Seinfeld make on reruns?

However, that is not even half of what Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David make from the reruns, which is close to about 400 million dollars per year. A CNBC report said, “Seinfeld’s cut comes to about a whopping $400 million over that time period.

What happened at the end of Seinfeld?

The series ends with the four convicted and having to serve a year in a jail so that they can be “removed from society.” The final scene reveals Jerry bombing during a stand-up set in prison. Though critics and fans panned the finale, it has actually aged pretty well.

Does Seinfeld marry Elaine?

However, by the end of the episode the two decide to be a couple again. Subsequent episodes show them as comfortably in the role of friends, and Seinfeld creators Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld later admitted that they simply forgot that “The Deal” ended with Jerry and Elaine as a couple.

Does Elaine end up with Seinfeld?

Though Jerry and Elaine are still in a relationship at the end of the episode, they are no longer together by the end of the season. Jerry and Elaine are not together, however, by the start of the third season.

Was Elaine pregnant in Seinfeld Season 8?

The star’s character Elaine wore over-sized shirts and held props in front of her stomach when the actress was pregnant in Seinfeld’s third season in 1991. Louis-Dreyfus repeated the technique when she got pregnant in season 8.

Why does Newman hate Jerry?

Newman’s dislike of Jerry appears to stem from resentment at Jerry’s status as a relatively famous comedian. Newman considers Jerry to be undeserving of his fame, referring to Jerry’s audience as a “half soused nightclub rabble that lap up your inane ‘observations.