Common questions

What voices does Seth MacFarlane?

What voices does Seth MacFarlane?

List of Family Guy cast members

  • Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane also provides the voices of Peter Griffin, Stewie Griffin, Brian Griffin, and Glenn Quagmire.
  • Seth Green provides the voice of Chris Griffin.
  • Mike Henry voices various characters in the series.
  • Mila Kunis provides the voice of Meg Griffin.

Who is Brian’s voice on Family Guy?

Seth MacFarlaneFamily Guy

Why does Stewie speak with a British accent?

He’s an English intellectual aristocrat who had the misfortune of being born (reborn) into a crass middle-class American family. His accent and observations reflect his previous life’s. And also, he speaks and acts that way because it’s completely hilarious.

What is Stewies accent?

In the season 16 episode “Send in Stewie, Please”, it is revealed that Stewie’s English accent is fake and that he actually has an American Boston accent, although the follow up joke that has him speak in numerous other voices (of Seth MacFarlane’s other characters) suggest it was a mere gag.

What is Peter Griffin’s accent?

Peter Griffin is a middle class Irish American, who is a bespectacled, obese blue collar worker with a prominent Rhode Island and Eastern Massachusetts accent.

What’s Ashton Kutcher worth?

$200 million dollars

Is Seth MacFarlane a billionaire?

American actor, writer, producer, and singer Seth Macfarlane has a net worth of $300 million dollars, as of 2021. Macfarlane is the creator of Family Guy and The Orville, and the co-creator of American Dad! and The Cleveland Show.

How much does Mila Kunis get for Family Guy?

The actress secured a lucrative deal that would see her make up to $225,000 per episode.

How much do the voice actors make on Family Guy?

“According to multiple sources, the four-member voice cast was able to secure between $175,000 and $225,000 each per episode for at least two more seasons – and as many as five seasons of the series,” THR revealed at the time.

Why did they kill off Brian on Family Guy?

Why did Seth MacFarlane kill off Brian Griffin on Family Guy only to bring him back a couple episodes later? It turns out that MacFarlane wanted to teach Family Guy fans a lesson. MacFarlane wrote, β€œAnd thus endeth our warm, fuzzy holiday lesson: Never take those you love for granted, for they can be gone in a flash.”