Common questions

What the word omitted mean?

What the word omitted mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to leave out or leave unmentioned omits one important detail You can omit the salt from the recipe. 2 : to leave undone : fail —The patient omitted taking his medication.

How do you use omitted in a sentence?

Omitted sentence example

  1. And he was still more angry at having omitted to say it.
  2. Those standing behind noticed what a speaker omitted to say and hastened to supply it.
  3. This provision was omitted from Magna Carta, except so far as it related to aids from the citizens of London.

What does part omitted mean?

To fail to include or mention; leave out: omitted an important detail from the report.

What does omitted mean in education?

What does omit mean in school? omit in American English 1. to fail to include; leave out. 2. to fail to do; neglect.

Is omitting the same as lying?

Omission seems to become a lie when you intentionally hide something from someone. The difference is that when people lie, not only are they hiding the truth, but they are also submitting another lie to be believed as truth, whereas there is no effort taken by omitting.

What does omit mean in texting?

What does OMIT mean? exclude, except, leave out, leave off, omit, take out(verb) prevent from being included or considered or accepted.

Can you omit a person?

If you omit someone or something, you do not include them in an activity or piece of work, deliberately or accidentally.

What does omitted on Sat mean?

This means that if you leave a question blank, you do not lose or gain any points, and your score remains unaffected. If you guess correctly, you gain a point – the best case scenario.

What does omit mean in medical terms?

(ō-mish’ŭn) Pharmacy Drug error in which the requisite dose is erroneously missed.

How do you Omit needless words?

Omit Needless Words: 11 Elements of Concise Writing

  1. Use Concrete Language and Expressive Verbs.
  2. Write in the Active Voice.
  3. Watch for Needless Repetition.
  4. Limit Your Use of Adverbs.
  5. Don’t Overuse Adjectives.
  6. One Idea per Sentence.
  7. Avoid Qualifying Sentences.
  8. Don’t Overrely on Auxiliary Words.

When information is omitted?

Omission occurs when important information is not reported or is reported incompletely. We can think of omission as being news that should have been reported but is left out of the news we read, see and hear. When important news is omitted, we get a skewed or biased perspective.

What what does omit mean?

omit (Verb) To leave out or exclude. (most common usage) Etymology: (at least by 1422) Enters Late Middle English,from Latin omittere which means literally “to let go”,from ob-

  • omit (Verb) To fail to perform.
  • omit (Verb) To neglect or take no notice of.
  • What does immitted mean?

    Immitted; p. pr. & vb. n. Immiting.] [L. immittere, immissum; pref. im- in + mittere to send.] To send in; to inject; to infuse; — the correlative of emit. [R.] –Boyle.