Common questions

What level can you enter RFC?

What level can you enter RFC?

Ragefire Chasm is the first Horde 5-man dungeon that players will encounter. The recommended level to run this dungeon is between 13 and 16, while the minimum to enter is Level 10.

What does RFC mean in WoW?

Ragefire Chasm
Ragefire Chasm loading graphic
Location Cleft of Shadow, Orgrimmar
Race(s) Orc Trogg Lava elemental Satyr Felguard

How do alliance get to RFC?

Ragefire Chasm (or RFC) is to Alliance what The Stockade is to Horde. In other words it seems damn hard to get into, being right in the middle of Orgrimmar. Well ok, maybe it’s not so hard to get inside after all, especially if you are 80. There is one major and proven method: ride in as far as you can.

Where do I get RFC quests?

Quests Started Outside of Ragefire Chasm

  • Hidden Enemies — kill Bazzalan and Jergosh the Invoker.
  • Searching for the Lost Satchel — find Maur Grimtotem’s corpse inside the instance and look for any items of interest.
  • Slaying the Beast — slay Taragaman the Hungerer and bring his heart to Neeru Fireblade in Orgrimmar.

How many RFC quests are there?

Quests. There are 5 Horde-exclusive quests associated with Ragefire Chasm: Hidden Enemies. Slaying the Beast.

What level can a mage solo RFC?

The mage will be fine at level 60.

Where is Wailing Caverns?

Entrance Location The entrance to the Wailing Caverns instance is located in The Barrens, to the south-west of the Crossroads. Head to the northern side of the oasis and you will find a large rock formation that leads into a cave.

At what level can you solo Wailing Caverns?

Wailing Caverns is a level 17-24 instance. The class set in the instance is called Clothing of the Fang. The class set is for druids but can be used with shamans, and sometimes rogues. The solo lvl is 34 with my shaman i ran threw at lvl 34 and made it.

What level can I get into Wailing Caverns?


What level should I be for WC Classic?

WoW Classic dungeon levels

Dungeon Minimum level Recommended level
Wailing Caverns 10 15-25
The Deadmines 10 18-23
Shadowfang Keep 14 22-30
Blackfathom Deeps 15 20-30

Can you solo Wailing Caverns?

The Wailing Caverns in the Barrens is one of the first major instanced dungeons (outside of a major city) that lower-level Horde players encounter. This instance is also extremely conducive to solo play for characters of most classes after around level 30 to 35.

How do I get into BRD?

To get to BRD, enter Blackrock Mountain from either southwest Searing Gorge or northwest Burning Steppes. If you enter from Searing Gorge, climb up on the giant chain that appears to your left and go down onto the big rock suspended in the center. Follow the stairs down and exit downwards onto the chain at the bottom.

What level can you solo stockades?

For a 5 man dungeon, you should have no trouble soloing it once you’re more than 10 levels above the dungeon’s max level. At level 75 you should be able to solo any of the vanilla dungeons – for you, they will all be stuck at level 60.

Can you solo dungeons in wow?

Dungeons can definitely be done alone. There’s crazy people who solo raid bosses when they’re still the current expansion. Even Mythic+ dungeons have been soloed by them too.

What is the most fun class to play in WOW Classic?


Can you solo deadmines?

If your BM you should be able to do it it at 35~36 if you do pulls right. if you want full clear it would be 40s. I just did it solo as a 26 with Kresh for pet.

What level can you run deadmines?

Deadmines is the first dungeon available to Alliance players and is recommended for players between Level 17 and 21, but your group should ideally be above Level 19 in order to clear the final bosses. You should be able to clear the dungeon in just over an hour.

What level can you solo deadmines vanilla?

level 15

What level is deadmines vanilla?

The Deadmines
Advised level 18-23
Minimum level 10
Player limit 5 (10)

Can horde run deadmines?

There are no Horde quests in the Deadmines, and there is a lengthy run through Alliance territory just to reach the instance’s entrance. There are a few rare vanity pets dropped in the Deadmines that players can either learn or sell to make the dungeon a more lucrative adventure.

Is Classic Wow dead?

Right now you can see that the majority of players have already quit or are raid logging. Pretty much crashing, yep. No, classic is not dead.

What level is the stockades vanilla?

The Stockade
Advised level 22-30
Minimum level 15
Player limit 5 (10)

What level should I be to do stockades?

The Stockade is an extremely accessible dungeon for Alliance players between Level 25 and 30 to clear the final bosses. This is one of the shortest dungeons in Classic and can be completed in under half an hour.

What level should I do stockades?

You must be atleast level 15 to enter Stockades, any level over has access.

How many MOBs are in stockades?

The MOBs in the Stockades range from 23 elite to 26 elite. The quest MOBs are up to 29 elite.

What is the definition of stockades?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a line of stout posts set firmly to form a defense. 2a : an enclosure or pen made with posts and stakes. b : an enclosure in which prisoners are kept.

How do Horde get to classic stockades?

Go to the north shore of Westfall, swim/water walk/Path of Frost north along the shore into Stormwind Harbor. Almost zero players and just a few 75 non-elite guards. You can practically walk from there into the Stockades.

Can horde run stockades?

Yes, you can. You’d have to chain rez your way in to either one at the appropriate level. Too many guards. SW wouldn’t have been too bad, previously, but now there’s usually as many people there as in Ironforge, and the fastest path to the Stockades goes straight between the AH, Bank, and Inn.

Can horde do stockades?