Common questions

What is the word for creating something new?

What is the word for creating something new?

1 beget, bring into being or existence, coin, compose, concoct, design, develop, devise, dream up (informal) form, formulate, generate, give birth to, give life to, hatch, initiate, invent, make, originate, produce, spawn.

What does word appointed mean?

1 : chosen for a particular job an appointed official. 2 : officially fixed or set at the appointed time. 3 : provided with complete and usually appropriate or elegant furnishings and equipment a beautifully appointed room.

What does the word appointed mean here?

adjective. by, through, or as a result of an appointment (often in contrast with elected): an appointed official. predetermined; arranged; set: They met at the appointed time in the appointed place. provided with what is necessary; equipped; furnished: a beautifully appointed office.

Is pre appoint a word?

The action of appointing something beforehand; a prior appointment.

What does newly appointed mean?

Adjective. About to come into office. incoming.

What does it mean to make something appoint?

English Language Learners Definition of appoint : to choose (someone) to have a particular job : to give (someone) a position or duty. : to decide or establish (something) in an official way.

What does pre appointment mean?

(ˌpriːəˈpɔɪnt) verb (transitive) to appoint beforehand or in advance.

What is a synonym for the word appoint?

[uh-point] See more synonyms for appoint on verb (used with object) to name or assign to a position, an office, or the like; designate: to appoint a new treasurer; to appoint a judge to the bench. to determine by authority or agreement; fix; set: to appoint a time for the meeting.

When was the first use of the word appointment?

The first known use of appointment was in the 15th century. English Language Learners Definition of appointment. Kids Definition of appointment. 2 : the act of choosing for a position or office or of being chosen for a position or office She became less popular after her appointment as director.

What is another word for ” something new “?

Synonyms for something new include new thing, something fresh, something novel, brand new thing, something different and something unfamiliar. Find more similar words at!

Which is an example of the power to appoint?

Recent Examples on the Web The President has the power to appoint all the members of the board overseeing the retirement fund.