Common questions

What is the walk time for Army Apft?

What is the walk time for Army Apft?

Depending on your age and gender, you will have 34–41.5 minutes to complete the 2.5-mile walk. Aim to walk four to six times per week. Start with a 20-30 minute walk, then work up to 45 minutes to an hour.

How hard is the Apft walk?

The event is not scored. Instead it is a pass/fail event. Normally, the 2.5 mile walk event is conducted on a 1/4 mile track or on a paved road. Most soldiers prefer to do this event walking 1.25 miles out and 1.25 miles back on a road….APFT Walk Standards.

Age Male Female
17-21 34 37
22-26 34:30 37:30
27-31 35 38
32-36 35:30 38:30

Who can administer Apft?

A minimum of four Soldiers are required to administer an APFT: OIC or NCOIC, an event supervisor(s), an event scorer, and support personnel. Another Soldier being tested or support personnel may act as the holder to secure the Soldier’s ankles during the sit-up event.

Do you lose promotable status if flagged?

Answer: Yes. If a Soldier is flagged the PPW system will remove the Soldier from the promotion standing list and place the Soldier into a NOT Eligible status.

Can you deploy if your flagged?

No the flag cannot prevent your deployment forward.

Can you PCS if you are flagged?

Flags for APFT or ht/wt are transferrable. A Flag for the Army Body Composition is a transferable flag and a Soldier can PCS. But if he is on a profile and it is not permenant you can no longer PCS on a temporary profile.

What does you flagging mean?

If something is flagging, it’s worn out or weak. A flagging political campaign is running out of steam, losing the energy it needs to be successful. If your career is flagging, it’s languishing or fading — you might need to go back to school and start a new one.

Is Apft failure a transferable flag?

A transferable FLAG goes with you when you’re reassigned, such as an APFT failure. A non-transferable FLAG does not, but also generally precludes you from being reassigned, such as the punishment phase FLAG that you mention.

What does flagged mean?


Can you see who flagged you on Facebook?

All reports submitted to Facebook remain anonymous. Each report is reviewed by Facebook to determine if and to what extent the content in question violates Facebook’s Terms of Use and Community Standards. At no time during this process will Facebook reveal the identity of the member who initially flagged the photo.

What happens when your account is flagged?

A red flag on your account can trigger a freeze, but if you can show your transactions are legal it can usually be cleared up. Some banks won’t take a chance — they might just close your account at the first whiff of trouble.

What are flagged messages?

Flagged email messages help you better manage your mail. Flagged messages create to-‐do items either for you alone or for you and the recipients of the email message. For example, you can flag an email message that requests information that you need by a certain date.

What is red flag in email?

A red flag means TeamSideline is not sending emails to that email address. An email filter can be placed on an email address for many reasons. Blocked – this is used when a spam filter or firewall is blocking TeamSideline emails for all recipients for a particular domain name or location.

Can you flag a text message?

No, there is no function or settings to flag text message. There has never been a way to flag text message – way before Apple came out with iphones.

What does flagging a DM do?

Quite simply, users who mark messages that they’d like to revisit will now “flag” them instead of “star” them. According to Instagram, the change is more semiotic than anything else – you “flag” something you’d like to revisit or take note of, rather than adding some value to it with a star. Right?

What does the little orange triangle mean on Instagram?

To find the conversations you’ve flagged, navigate to your Instagram inbox. Then tap the icon to the right of the search box and select Flagged from the pop-up menu. Flagged messages have an orange triangle in the top-right corner. There are many ways to manage the messages in your Instagram inbox.

What does the orange triangle mean on Instagram DM?

direct message

Does Instagram monitor direct messages?

Because DMs are for private conversations, we don’t use technology to proactively detect content like hate speech or bullying the same way we do in other places.

What does a red 1 mean on Instagram?

1 for now