What is the theme of unwind?

What is the theme of unwind?

The theme of Unwind, by Neal Shusterman, is that life sould be hman life should be valued.

Why is Connor being unwound?

Being the ‘troubled’ teen he was, he got into a lot of trouble at school and, when not in the mood, he brings those problems home. He gets into arguments with his parents, which probably resulted in their decision to have him unwound.

What happens to Connor at the end of unwind?

After Roland is unwound, Connor is next. But before the procedure can began, Lev’s little band of chaotic clappers blows up the unwinding chamber…with Connor inside. He miraculously survives and ends up with the ID of a blown-up guard in the process. Pretending to be this older boy lets him escape Unwinding.

What is wrong with CYFI in unwind?

He had an IQ of 155, but went down a few points to 130 after the operation on his right temporal lobe. Once, when he was on a hike, he got hit by a Mercedes which damaged his right temporal lobe. His brain tissue was replaced with an Unwind’s, later revealed to be Tyler Walker.

Who are the fatigues in unwind?

The Fatigues are militant guardians of the Unwinds as they make their way through the underground system. Ariana is a girl who agrees to run away with Connor when she finds out he is being unwound, but then changes her mind.

Who is the main character in unwind?

Connor Lassiter

Who is the villain in unwind?


What does Sonia use her basement?

Instead of secretly spiriting away slaves, Sonia helps runaway Unwinds make their way to the Graveyard. She does this by housing the Unwinds in her basement and arranging safe transport to Arizona.

What does Sonia want Connor?

When each kid returns, no one will say what happens there. Connor doesn’t know what’s up until he gets there: Sonia wants him to write a letter saying everything he wants to say to one person. He writes a long letter to his parents, then Sonia has him seal it.