What is the synonym of blithe?

What is the synonym of blithe?

Some common synonyms of blithe are jocund, jolly, jovial, and merry. While all these words mean “showing high spirits or lightheartedness,” blithe suggests carefree, innocent, or even heedless gaiety.

Is Blythe a word?

Blythe is a name pronounced like the modern English word blithe, both of which come from Old English bliĆ¾e (“joyous, kind, cheerful, pleasant”), and further back from Proto-Germanic *blithiz (“gentle, kind”).

Is Blythe a girl name?

Blythe is a feminine given name from an Old English. surname with the same spelling meaning “cheerful”, “joyous”, “pleasant”, dating further back from the Proto-Germanic word blithiz, meaning “gentle”, “kind”.

Is Blythe a Scrabble word?

Can the word blythe be used in Scrabble? No. This word is not an official Scrabble word.

What does bafflement mean?

the condition of being completely unable to understand or explain something: Several companies expressed bafflement at sudden scrutiny by the government.

What is Carnivora for?

Carnivora is marketed as an immune suppressant primarily due to a compound plumbagin in the product that inhibits factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) in lymphocytes [17]. Based on these findings, Carnivora would presumably decrease the incidence of interstitial nephritis.

Are humans Carnivora?

Humans are omnivores. We are adapted to eating both meat and plants. We are predators (and in fact we’re very e They’re predators, but not carnivores–they belong to several orders in the superorder Selachimorpha, not order Carnivora.

What do you call a human who eats meat?

Carnivore is the correct term for meat eater. We do call people who for personal reasons refuse to eat any meat vegetarians. There is an even stricter form of vegetarianism, in which people will not eat anything that comes from an animal, including dairy products, or eggs. Those people are known as vegans.

What the Bible says about eating bats?

But anything that does not have fins and scales you may not eat; for you it is unclean. You may eat any clean bird. the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat. All flying insects that swarm are unclean to you; do not eat them.