Common questions

What is the sweet spot in your septum?

What is the sweet spot in your septum?

If you pinch your septum, you should feel a thin area of skin between some hard cartilage and the tip of your septum (often referred to as the sweet spot). That’s where the septum piercing is placed. It is a little bit higher and a little further forward than you might realize.

Are septums dangerous?

Septum piercings have the same risks as most piercings, but some are more serious than others. Septums are not as likely to get infected as most piercings as there is plenty of mucous membranes (yuck) to fight off infections in your nose. Really the only risk is if putting in low-quality jewellery.

How painful is a septum?

Everyone has their own pain tolerance, so it’s worth bearing yours in mind, but a septum shouldn’t hurt much more than a standard nose piercing and it shouldn’t go through cartilage. It’ll be a strong pinch, the urge to sneeze, watery eyes, and hopefully not much more than that….

How long should a septum piercing hurt?

Septum Piercing pain generally goes away after 3 weeks. After a Septum Piercing, you will notice a buildup of white secretion around the septum ring. There is nothing to be scared about as this is only a natural bodily reaction against piercing.

How long do septum Crusties last?

A septum piercing does most of its healing in 2 or 3 months, though it can take as long as 6 to 8 months to heal completely for some people….

Is it normal for a septum piercing to be crooked at first?

The Septum Piercings are one of the most widely worn and oldest non-ear piercings known to man. Swelling during the first few weeks can make the piercing appear to be crooked too. Siince the most common jewelry used is an expanded Circular Barbell, sometimes the jewelry itself will end up a little crooked….

Does a septum piercing make your nose look bigger?

A septum piercing can tend to create the illusion of a longer nose, both by literally lengthening the amount of space the nose takes up on the face, visually, and by drawing the eye down; by so doing can also make it he nose look narrower.

Is my septum piercing too high?

Looks high but it could be your nose though like the place you pierce it is just higher than normal.. You can get bigger jewelry if you want it to come down farther. as long as it’s not in the cartilage, it’s not a problem. You may wish to try a tear drop captive once you’re healed to increase the “lower” look.

What size septum ring should I get?

The most common gauge for septum piercings is 16 gauge (approx. 1.2mm thick), however, your piercer may decide to use a different gauge depending on your individual anatomy. While 16G is the typical starter gauge, some people choose to size down to 18 gauge (approx. 1.0mm thick) or size up to 14 gauge (approx.

Can you get a hoop for your first septum piercing?

In terms of a ring it’s imporatnt to note that a rings curvature limits swelling room, this means that if you want a ring as initial jewellery for a septum it will have to be somewhat large (10mm diameter usually) or if it’s done with a curved barbell it would have to be no smaller than an 8mm diameter.

Can you pick your nose with a septum piercing?

While healing you can’t blow your nose or pick it. If you do you’ll irritate your piercing. If you have hard boogers or build up dip your nose in saline wound wash to help break it up/it’ll drain. After it is healed you can pick your nose and blow your nose….